Even if you are divine, you don't disdain male consorts

Even if you are divine, you don't disdain male consorts
Michelangelo, the renowned Italian artist of the Renaissance period, is often celebrated for his incredible talent and mastery of various art forms, including painting, sculpture, and architecture. His works, such as the iconic frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the marble statue of David, have solidified his place as one of the greatest artists in history. However, Michelangelo's personal life and relationships have also been a subject of fascination and speculation among art historians and enthusiasts.One aspect of Michelangelo's life that has garnered particular interest is his relationships with male companions. While there is no concrete evidence to suggest that Michelangelo was homosexual, there are numerous accounts of his close friendships with young men, including his apprentices and fellow artists. Some scholars have even suggested that Michelangelo may have had romantic or intimate relationships with some of these male companions.