Even if you have just destroyed a Ming Vase, purr. Usually all will be forgiven

Even if you have just destroyed a Ming Vase, purr. Usually all will be forgiven
Lenny Rubenstein was known for his clumsiness. He had a knack for breaking things, whether it was a glass, a plate, or even a valuable Ming Vase. Despite his best efforts to be careful, accidents always seemed to follow him wherever he went. However, there was one thing that Lenny had mastered over the years - the art of purring.Whenever Lenny accidentally broke something, he would immediately drop to the ground and start purring like a cat. It was his way of apologizing and trying to make amends for his mistake. And surprisingly, it worked like a charm. People would often find it hard to stay mad at Lenny when he was on the ground, purring and looking up at them with his big, innocent eyes.
One day, Lenny was visiting a friend's house when he accidentally knocked over a priceless Ming Vase. The room fell silent as the vase shattered into a million pieces on the floor. Lenny's heart sank as he realized what he had done. But instead of getting angry, his friend simply looked at him and said, "Lenny, you know what to do."
Without hesitation, Lenny dropped to the ground and started purring. His friend couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Lenny trying to make amends in his own unique way. And just like that, all was forgiven. Lenny's friend helped him clean up the mess, and they spent the rest of the day laughing and reminiscing about all the times Lenny had accidentally broken things in the past.
It seemed that no matter how many things Lenny broke, as long as he purred and showed genuine remorse, people were always willing to forgive him. It was a lesson that Lenny had learned over the years - that sometimes a simple apology and a little bit of humility could go a long way in making things right. And so, Lenny continued to purr his way through life, knowing that even if he made mistakes, all would be forgiven in the end.