Evening Quotes

Text Quotes
I love to put on diamonds and beautiful evening gowns and make my girl-friends upset (Evening Quotes)
It was irritating to have one’s physical shortcomings pointed out quite so plainly twice in one evening, once by a beautiful girl and once by a dying badger. (Evening Quotes)
The Last Ship,’ which is a beautifully written piece, is about a love triangle and young men working in a shipyard. Audiences may prefer to see a show that allows them to forget about their worries for an evening. (Evening Quotes)
When I am on my deathbed, I don’t think I will be thinking about a nice pair of shoes I had or my beautiful house. I am going to be thinking about an evening I spent with somebody when I was twenty where I felt that I was just absolutely connected to them. (Evening Quotes)
Soup of the evening, beautiful soup! Soup of the evening, beautiful soup! Beau--ootiful Soo--oop! Beau--ootiful Soo--oop! Soo--oop of the e--e--evening, Beautiful, beautiful soup! (Evening Quotes)
In the morning, celebrate the beauty and warmth of sun light,in the evening, celebrate the song of silence and love of night. (Evening Quotes)
The first thing I think about when I wake up most mornings is the fact that I’m tired. I have been tired for decades. I am tired in the morning and I am tired while becalmed in the slough of the afternoon, and I am tired in the evening, except right when I try to go to sleep. (Evening Quotes)
I can’t take it y’all I can feel the city breathin Chest heavin, against the flesh of the evening Sigh before we die like the last train leaving (Evening Quotes)
When I’m drawing, I’m drawing with the light, being completely open and creative. I can’t draw in the evening. I need light and I need warmth if it is a summer thing, and I need cold if it is a winter collection. The good thing is that I have houses to go to whenever I’m working. I draw according to the place. (Evening Quotes)
Billy Elliot’ prides itself on being a family show, and it made sense to specifically cater to a family audience with an earlier evening curtain time. (Evening Quotes)
I was born three weeks early, and I kept being ill. From the age of zero to four, I was always in hospital having tests done, but they couldn’t find out what was wrong. They discovered that one of my kidneys wasn’t working properly, and it had scarred. I had to have 32 injections in my arm in the morning and evening to try and make me better. (Evening Quotes)
I’ve never minded being disciplined. I’d always rather have a quiet evening in than go to a wild party. Discipline for me has always been the foundation which leaves me free to fly. (Evening Quotes)
Being attractive for a few hours some evening is hardly worth being that unattractive all day (in hot rollers). Being yourself and being natural with a man is wonderful, but being downright unattractive with him is foolish. (Evening Quotes)
I’m very sensitive. Because my mum was my primary emotional caregiver growing up, I found myself being pinned into dresses, darting her dresses, choosing her high heels for the evening or what to wear. I’m very much a mommy’s boy. (Evening Quotes)
My mother always seemed to me like a fairy princess: a radiant being possessed of limitless riches and power. She shone for me like the evening star. I loved her dearly. (Evening Quotes)
Evening bags should be just big enough for my phone, lipstick, house key, and credit card (Evening Quotes)
I like smudgy black eyes and pale lips for evening. Red lipstick looks great on other girls, but it’s too much on me. (Evening Quotes)
I think I have something tonight that’s not quite correct for evening wear. Blue suede shoes. (Evening Quotes)
All the other kids in ninth grade were drawing hot rods and cocker spaniels and getting blue ribbons in art class. I was getting rejection slips from the ‘Saturday Evening Post.’ (Evening Quotes)
My first children’s book, ‘Tickle Monster,’ was inspired by tickling my son one evening. (Evening Quotes)
These days, I am the most boring, methodical runner. I always do the same three- to five-mile loop near my home every evening. I hardly ever miss a day. On the weekends, I might go longer or add in weights. (Evening Quotes)
I was born under the Blue Ridge, and under that side which is blue in the evening light, in a wild land of game and forest and rushing waters. (Evening Quotes)
My favorite drink is water - the bland one: Evian. I stick with that. I celebrate in the evening sometimes with Perrier. That’s why I love coming to California. They’re always talking to you about bottled water. (Evening Quotes)
What better occupation, really, than to spend the evening at the fireside with a book, with the wind beating on the windows and the lamp burning bright...Haven’t you ever happened to come across in a book some vague notion that you’ve had, some obscure idea that returns from afar and that seems to express completely your most subtle feelings? (Evening Quotes)
Evening Shade’ was such an eye-opening experience. I was 19 when I went on that show. I had barely had an acting class. So as Burt Reynolds continued to bring me back for the next three years, I learned so much from him and all the other legends that were on the show. (Evening Quotes)
Even though I avoid buying clothes that are ‘in fashion’, choosing things I fall in love with and wearing them till they fall apart - and generally going for vintage when it comes to evening wear - I still, like every woman I know, suffer from occasional pangs of ‘clothes guilt’. (Evening Quotes)
After my parents’ divorce when I was 4, I spent weekends with my dad before we finally moved to California. By the time Sunday rolled around, I was incapable of enjoying the day’s activities, of being in the moment, because I was already dreading the inevitable goodbye of Sunday evening. (Evening Quotes)
The difference between listening to a radio sermon and going to almost like the difference between calling your girl on the phone and spending an evening with her. (Evening Quotes)
The moon looks wonderful in this warm evening light, just as a candle flame looks beautiful in the light of morning. Light within light...It seems to me to be a metaphor for the human soul, the singular light within that great general light of existence. (Evening Quotes)
When you are very old, and sit in the candle - light at evening spinning by the fire, you will say, as you murmur my verses, a wonder in your eyes, ‘Ronsard sang of me in the days when I was fair. (Evening Quotes)