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Eventually Quotes

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My parents will be sad for a while, and they may even blame themselves, the way they do now. Eventually they’ll come to peace with my decision. I hope they’ll realize I’m finally at peace  (Eventually Quotes) Eventually I realize that I am holding on to him just as tightly as he holds on to me. And here we are: two small dying things, as the world ends around us like falling autumn leaves  (Eventually Quotes) I tried to hold myself apart, showing only what I wanted, doling out bits and pieces of who I was. But that only works out for so long. Eventually, even the smallest fragments can’t help but, make a whole  (Eventually Quotes) When something needs to be ironed I put it in the ironing basket. If a year goes by and the item is still in the basket I throw the item away. This is a good system since eventually I end up only with clothes that don’t need ironing  (Eventually Quotes) Even the hard times are part of your life story. If you acknowledge them and move past them, they eventually add up to the experience that makes you wise  (Eventually Quotes) As we practice meditation, we get used to stillness and eventually are able to make friends with the quietness of our sensations  (Eventually Quotes) .. that terrible feeling that you’re not good enough to be loved by the people you love most, and eventually by anyone else  (Eventually Quotes) It seems that the necessary thing to do is not to fear mistakes, to plunge in, to do the best that one can, hoping to learn enough from blunders to correct them eventually  (Eventually Quotes) That’s the trouble with being scared all the time. Eventually, people just go numb  (Eventually Quotes) Time doesn’t, as advertised, heal all wounds. Although the wrenching immediacy of grief eventually passed, the settled sorrow that replaced it might in its own way be even more intense  (Eventually Quotes) Eventually she fell asleep, but I kept the phone against my ear, lulled by her breathing, and her breathing again in the background. And yes, it felt like home. Like everything belonged exactly where it was  (Eventually Quotes) I know that happy things and fun things eventually come to an end. But things that are scary and sad come to an end too... they always do. Even if you can’t always believe that, please don’t give up. Live  (Eventually Quotes) Waiting. Like it or not, it’s a skill all spies have to master eventually  (Eventually Quotes) Sure, it was nice now, but eventually there would be running and screaming and blood on the floor  (Eventually Quotes) When small towns find they cannot harm the strangest of their members, when eccentrics show resilience, they are eventually embraced and even cherished  (Eventually Quotes) You’re funny, and you’re smart, and you may show up late, but you always show up eventually  (Eventually Quotes) If there’s one thing I believe more than I believe anything else, it’s that you can’t fake the core. The truth that lives there will eventually win out. It’s a God we must obey, a force that brings us all inevitably to our knees  (Eventually Quotes) Most things will be okay eventually, but not everything will be. Sometimes you’ll put up a good fight and lose. Sometimes you’ll hold on really hard and realize there is no choice but to let go. Acceptance is a small, quiet room  (Eventually Quotes) When first love ends, most people eventually know there will be more to come. They are not through with love. Love is not through with them. It will never be the same as the first, but it will be better in different ways  (Eventually Quotes) You eventually erase her contact info from your phone but not the pictures you took of her in bed while she was naked and asleep, never those  (Eventually Quotes) Once, he’d used it in song, but the songs in his heart had gone silent long ago, and he knew that one day so would his voice. A man with nothing inside him eventually had nothing to say  (Eventually Quotes) And hey, if I keep loving you, maybe you’ll eventually crack and love me too  (Eventually Quotes) You people always hold onto old identities, old faces and masks, long after they’ve served their purpose. But you’ve got to learn to throw things away eventually  (Eventually Quotes) Inside I knew he was meant to be the guy that taught me about life. Even if he broke my heart eventually  (Eventually Quotes) Your craving should be for me, angel, not an orgasm. For my body, my hands. Eventually, you won’t be able to come without my skin touching yours  (Eventually Quotes) Each prayer is like a seed that gets planted in the ground. It disappears for a season, but it eventually bears fruit that blesses future generations. In fact, our prayers bear fruit forever  (Eventually Quotes) It’s strange, I think, the way our lives turn out. Moments of circumstance, when later combined with conscious decisions and actions and a boatload of hope, can eventually forge a future that seems predestined  (Eventually Quotes) A war regarded as inevitable or even probable, and therefore much prepared for, has a very good chance of eventually being fought  (Eventually Quotes) At first you might find that nothing happens there. But if you have a sacred space and use it, eventually something will happen. Your sacred space is where you find yourself again and again  (Eventually Quotes) Submit to a daily practice. Your loyalty to that is a ring at the door. Keep knocking, and the joy inside will eventually open a window and look out to see who’s there  (Eventually Quotes)
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