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Eventually Quotes

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Eventually, I think cinematography for every culture is a way to explore different stories, different ways of also delivering a story  (Eventually Quotes) I began asking, ‘How can we know Christianity is true?’ Sadly, none of the adults in my life offered an answer. Eventually I decided Christianity must not have any answers, and I became an agnostic  (Eventually Quotes) When you’re listening to my album, I want you to know that things happen and eventually you get over it  (Eventually Quotes) I’m from California, I know what’s up with this. You keep raising people’s taxes eventually they are going to say no  (Eventually Quotes) I eventually got a job with a television company, started to see how exciting journalism could be as a career, and decided that was what I wanted to do  (Eventually Quotes) I’ve always been the sort of person who immerses myself in things, and eventually you become part of that life  (Eventually Quotes) I’m interested in the cultural thing - music, then eventually cinema. I think it’s part of my struggle as a cultural worker. I’m not into the armed thing. I cannot be violent  (Eventually Quotes) I never try to force poems into a collection simply because they were written/published within a certain period of time. They will eventually find their perfect home  (Eventually Quotes) The Stone Age gave us arrow heads and eventually knives, and that allowed us to kill animals in ways you couldn’t before, and once you had them you were able to remove the skin and bones  (Eventually Quotes) Immediate gratification of a live audience makes me come alive. I miss performing in theater. I’ll make my return to the stage eventually  (Eventually Quotes) I try to remind myself that nothing is permanent. The chaos and the stress of life won’t last forever. Eventually, it will go away and I will once again be left with nothing but happiness  (Eventually Quotes) You want to sing this song. And so it goes on until eventually, after - well, however long it can take - sometimes a few days, sometimes months - you piece the whole thing together  (Eventually Quotes) I thought that I was mutant somehow. I eventually realized that I have a very natural look, and that’s what God gave me, and I’m proud of it. It was kind of a way for me to get past that as well  (Eventually Quotes) If I am feeling musical and I pick up the guitar, usually something will eventually come out and I’ll see where it goes  (Eventually Quotes) I loved writing and performing, but the idea of doing it for a living seemed so remote. But I eventually let it devolve to the point where it was the only thing I could do  (Eventually Quotes) Eventually, if you’re experimenting with a sound that’s unfamiliar, it gets absorbed, and somebody comes and does it better, and it becomes part of a vocabulary  (Eventually Quotes) Giving up and doing something else (nursing, for me) was exactly what eventually led me to making music that other people wanted to hear  (Eventually Quotes) There is a certain expectation of girls to eventually grow up and behave and fall in line. I’ve always bucked against that  (Eventually Quotes) I wonder what I can do about war. Is it the destiny of human kind to eventually wipe ourselves out with these weapons of mass destruction? Are we stupid to think that we can control them?  (Eventually Quotes) If you have perfect virtual reality eventually, where you’re be able to simulate everything that a human can experience or imagine experiencing, it’s hard to imagine where you go from there  (Eventually Quotes) Almost all human who can form a sentence will eventually let you in on the fact that their lives are very difficult and sometimes very hard to manage  (Eventually Quotes) We do more ready-to-wear and ath-leisure, things you would wear everyday. I never close my mind to anything and eventually want to branch out. But for now, tennis is still number one for me  (Eventually Quotes) I think eventually private enterprise will be able to send people into orbit, but I suspect initially it’s going to have to be with NASA’s help  (Eventually Quotes) I suppose I shall marry eventually One does that, one drifts into stability  (Eventually Quotes) Tell the truth, or eventually someone will tell it for you. Living a life of honesty creates peace of mind, and peace of mind is priceless  (Eventually Quotes) The pathway to enlightenment is beautiful. There are a lot of wonderful things that happen along the way. Win or lose, you just keep going, and it happens eventually  (Eventually Quotes) Life is a puzzle. Every piece fits together into who we are, how we feel. Every experience shapes us into who we will eventually become  (Eventually Quotes) It hurts now, but that pain will eventually fade and a new day will come. This is not the end, you life has just begun  (Eventually Quotes) Eventually all of the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason  (Eventually Quotes) Friends are like petals on a flower; together they’re beautiful and make people smile but eventually some petals fall off and drift off in the wind and go their own ways  (Eventually Quotes)
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