Everlasting Quotes

Text Quotes
It is an everlasting desire to make my dreams come true. And it’s getting to the point now where it’s like, come on I want my dreams to come true so that I can get on with the rest of my life. Sometimes I think about the rest of my life when I’m done (Everlasting Quotes)
Deeds are not accomplished in a few days, or in a few hours. A century is only a spoke in the wheel of everlasting time (Everlasting Quotes)
The essence of liberalism is negotiation, a cautious half measure, in the hope that the definitive dispute, the decisive bloody battle, can be transformed into a parliamentary debate and permit the decision to be suspended forever in an everlasting discussion (Everlasting Quotes)
Science is bound, by the everlasting vow of honour, to face fearlessly every problem which can be fairly presented to it (Everlasting Quotes)
This moment exhibits infinite space, but there is a space also wherein all moments are infinitely exhibited, and the everlasting duration of infinite space is another region and room of joys (Everlasting Quotes)
My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue, an everlasting vision of the ever changing view (Everlasting Quotes)
Isn’t man but a blossom taken by wind, and only the mountains and the sea and the stars and this land of the gods everlasting? (Everlasting Quotes)
How quick and rushing life can sometimes seem, when at the same time it’s so slow and sweet and everlasting (Everlasting Quotes)
Water from a fountain quenches the excessive heat which would destroy this life. Thus water can be called the only everlasting source of continuous being (Everlasting Quotes)
Toil and risk are the price of glory, but it is a lovely thing to live with courage and die leaving an everlasting fame (Everlasting Quotes)
The human animal is a beast that eventually has to die. If he’s got money, he buys and he buys and he buys. The reason he buys everything he can is because of some crazy hope that one of the things he buys will be life everlasting (Everlasting Quotes)
Many said that now there was no hope of salvation, for a man might do anything and be in the wrong. There was no way to tell. It was better to stay on the steading and mind the cows and be content with such days as are left to one and cease to wonder about life everlasting (Everlasting Quotes)
Keep a very open mind, keep a very open heart of what you are to face. You will be entering paradise. You will be entering the happiest life, everlasting life (Everlasting Quotes)
We know our lands have now become more valuable. The white people think we do not know their value; but we know that the land is everlasting, and the few goods we receive for it are soon worn out and gone (Everlasting Quotes)
To me the purpose of art is to produce something alive... but with a separate, and of course one hopes, with an everlasting life of its own (Everlasting Quotes)
All the tears of a penitent sinner, should he shed as many as there have been fallen drops of rain since the creation, cannot wash away one sin. The everlasting burnings in hell cannot purify the flaming conscience from the least sin (Everlasting Quotes)
Remember that although bodies may pass away, the energy that connects you to a loved one is everlasting and can always be felt when you’re open to receiving it (Everlasting Quotes)
... works of piety and charity... are necessary in this present life for as long as inequality prevails. Their workings here would not be required were it not for the superabundant numbers of the poor, the needy, and the sick... As long as this inequity rages in the world, these good works will be necessary and valuable to anyone practicing them and they shall yield the reward of an everlasting inheritance to the man of good heart and concerned will (Everlasting Quotes)
God, we thank you for this earth, our homes; for the wide sky and the blessed sun, for the salt sea and the running water, for the everlasting hills and the never resting winds, for trees and the common grass underfoot. We thank you for our senses by which we hear the songs of birds, and see the splendor of the summer fields, and taste of the autumn fruits, and rejoice in the feel of the snow, and smell the breath of the spring. Grant us a heart wide open to all this beauty; and save our souls from being so blind that we pass unseeing when even the common thorn bush is aflame with your glory (Everlasting Quotes)
Preserve your history and become everlasting; receive new life from the times that have gone by (Everlasting Quotes)
Who ever told you there is no such thing in the world as real, true, everlasting love? May the liar have his despicable tongue cut out! (Everlasting Quotes)
We declare that a great number of those who are condemned to eternal punishment suffer that everlasting calamity because of ignorance of those mysteries of faith which must be known and believed in order to be numbered among the elect (Everlasting Quotes)
For enemies carry about slander not in the form in which it took its rise. The scandal of men is everlasting; even then does it survive when you would suppose it to be dead (Everlasting Quotes)
Man is an intellectual animal, and therefore an everlasting contradiction to himself. His senses centre in himself, his ideas reach to the ends of the universe; so that he is torn in pieces between the two, without a possibility of its ever being otherwise (Everlasting Quotes)
Only our love hath no decay; this, no tomorrow hath, nor yesterday, running it never runs from us away, but truly keeps his first, last, everlasting day (Everlasting Quotes)
Today must not be a souvenir of yesterday, and so the struggle is everlasting. Who am I today? What do I see today? How shall I use what I know, and how shall I avoid being victim of what I know? Life is not repetition (Everlasting Quotes)
A world in everlasting conflict between the new idea and the old allegiances, new arts and new inventions against the old establishment (Everlasting Quotes)
There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness, that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy and its charm. There is a delight in the hardy life of the open... Apart from this, yet mingled with it, is the strong attraction of the silent places, of the large tropic moons, and the splendor of the new stars; where the wanderer sees the awful glory of sunrise and sunset in the wide waste spaces of the earth, unworn of man, and changed only by the slow change of the ages through time everlasting (Everlasting Quotes)
The world, the future, is now within you as your past, as experience, skill in technique, and the rich, everlasting mystery is found to be childish you that, at the time, you made no effort to possess (Everlasting Quotes)
We are turning our prisons into living tombs, inhabited by doomed men living in everlasting blank despair (Everlasting Quotes)