Every idea I get I have to deny, that's my way of testing it

Every idea I get I have to deny, that's my way of testing it
Emile Chartier, also known by his pen name Alain, was a French philosopher and journalist known for his sharp wit and critical thinking. He believed in the importance of testing ideas before accepting them as truth, and one of his famous quotes reflects this belief: “Every idea I get I have to deny, that's my way of testing it.”Chartier's philosophy can be seen as a form of intellectual skepticism, where he challenges his own beliefs and assumptions in order to arrive at a deeper understanding of the world. By denying his initial ideas, he forces himself to consider alternative perspectives and possibilities, ultimately leading to a more nuanced and well-rounded view of the subject at hand.
This approach to thinking is not about being contrarian for the sake of it, but rather about being intellectually honest and open-minded. Chartier understood that our minds are prone to biases and preconceived notions, and that by actively questioning and challenging our own ideas, we can guard against falling into the trap of intellectual complacency.
In a world where information is constantly bombarding us from all sides, it is more important than ever to cultivate a critical mindset like Chartier's. We are often quick to accept ideas that confirm our existing beliefs and dismiss those that challenge them, but this can lead to a narrow and limited understanding of the world.
By adopting Chartier's approach of denying every idea we get as a way of testing it, we can become more discerning thinkers and better equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern world. This doesn't mean rejecting every idea outright, but rather subjecting them to rigorous scrutiny and evaluation before coming to a conclusion.