Every thing in life is a uniform; the only time our bodies are truly in civilian dress is when we're naked

Every thing in life is a uniform; the only time our bodies are truly in civilian dress is when we're naked
In the world of Portuguese author José Saramago, the idea that everything in life is a uniform is a recurring theme. Saramago's unique writing style often delves into the complexities of human existence and the ways in which society shapes our identities. In his novels, characters are often portrayed as being constrained by the expectations and norms of the world around them, forced to conform to certain roles and behaviors in order to fit in.Saramago's exploration of the concept of uniforms can be seen in his novel "Blindness," where a sudden epidemic of blindness sweeps through a city, causing chaos and forcing its inhabitants to confront their own vulnerabilities and prejudices. In this novel, the characters are stripped of their usual roles and identities, forced to rely on their instincts and inner strength in order to survive. In this state of blindness, they are truly naked, both physically and metaphorically, as they are forced to confront their own humanity and the ways in which they have been shaped by the world around them.
Saramago's exploration of uniforms can also be seen in his novel "The Double," where a man discovers that he has a doppelganger who is identical to him in every way. This doppelganger serves as a mirror to the protagonist, forcing him to confront the ways in which he has been shaped by his environment and the expectations of others. In this novel, the protagonist is forced to confront the idea that his identity is not as unique as he once believed, and that he is in fact just another uniform in the grand scheme of things.
Overall, Saramago's exploration of uniforms in his novels serves as a powerful reminder of the ways in which society shapes our identities and the ways in which we are all connected to one another. In a world where everything is a uniform, the only time our bodies are truly in civilian dress is when we are naked, stripped of the trappings of society and forced to confront our own humanity.