Everybody Else Quotes

Text Quotes
There comes a time in your life when you focus solely on what you believe is right, regardless of what everybody else is doing (Everybody Else Quotes)
In the devil’s theology, the important thing is to be absolutely right and to prove that everybody else is absolutely wrong (Everybody Else Quotes)
We do not look at our own faults; the eyes do not see themselves, they see the eyes of everybody else. We human beings are very slow to recognise our own weakness, our own faults, so long as we can lay the blame upon somebody else (Everybody Else Quotes)
If you don’t have a good model for success, just look at what everybody else is doing and do the opposite (Everybody Else Quotes)
You can either blame everybody else or you can take a look at yourself and determine where you can improve (Everybody Else Quotes)
A materialistic person is ruthless with other people but kind to himself. A spiritual person is ruthless with himself but kind to everybody else (Everybody Else Quotes)
To his and everybody else’s way of thinking, you should build a house with your own hands before you start talking about being an engineer (Everybody Else Quotes)
Also, I need deadlines, just like everybody else, especially coming from magazines, newspapers, and stuff like that. I need daily or weekly deadlines to get stuff done, or I continue to do things and not go off on a year of unproductivity (Everybody Else Quotes)
All by yourself, unable to express the pain of your distress with your deeper inside. You alienate yourself and everybody else (Everybody Else Quotes)
A lot of people are crazy, cruel and negative. They got a little too much time on their hands to discuss everybody else. I have a limited amount of energy to blow in a day. I’d rather read something that I like or watch a program I enjoy or ride my damn motorcycle or throw back a couple of shots of tequila with my friends (Everybody Else Quotes)
Everything about me is a contradiction, and so is everything about everybody else. We are made out of oppositions; we live between two poles. There’s a philistine and an aesthete in all of us, and a murderer and a saint. You don’t reconcile the poles. You just recognize them (Everybody Else Quotes)
... if you are not like everybody else, then you are abnormal, if you are abnormal, then you are sick. These three categories, not being like everybody else, not being normal and being sick are in fact very different but have been reduced to the same thing (Everybody Else Quotes)
The children of the nuclear age, I think, were weakened in their capacity to love. Hard to love, when you’re bracing yourself for impact. Hard to love, when the loved one, and the lover, might at any instant become blood and flames, along with everybody else (Everybody Else Quotes)
I would say that the thrust of my life has been initially about getting free, and then realizing that my freedom is not independent of everybody else. Then I am arriving at that circle where one works on oneself as a gift to other people so that one doesn’t create more suffering. I help people as a work on myself and I work on myself to help people (Everybody Else Quotes)
Mostly, I could tell, I made him feel uncomfortable. He didn’t understand me, and he was sort of holding it against me. I felt the urge to reassure him that I was like everybody else, just like everybody else. But really there wasn’t much point, and I gave up the idea out of laziness (Everybody Else Quotes)
Everybody’s born with some different thing at the core of their existence. And that thing, whatever it is, becomes like a heat source that runs each person from the inside. I have one too, of course. Like everybody else. But sometimes it gets out of hand. It swells or shrinks inside me, and it shakes me up. What I’d really like to do is find a way to communicate that feeling to another person (Everybody Else Quotes)
Don’t take anything personally. Even when a situation seems so personal, even if others insult you directly, it has nothing to do with you. Their point of view and opinion come from all the programming they received growing up. When you take things personally, you feel offended and your reaction is to defend your beliefs and create conflict. You make something big out of something so little because you have the need to be right and make everybody else wrong (Everybody Else Quotes)
I see anarchism as the theoretical ideal to which we are all gradually evolving to a point where everybody can tell the truth to everybody else and nobody can get punished for it. That can only happen without hierarchy and without people having the authority to punish other people (Everybody Else Quotes)
The ego and the personality have to be dropped, then you will find individuality arising... a feeling of uniqueness. Yes, you are unique. Everybody else is also unique. In this world only unique people exist, so comparison is just stupid, because you alone are like yourself. There is nobody like you, so how to compare? (Everybody Else Quotes)
People can change their own lives, provided they have the right kind of institutional support. They’re not asking for charity, charity is no solution to poverty. Poverty is the creation of opportunities like everybody else has, not the poor people, so bring them to the poor people, so that they can change their lives (Everybody Else Quotes)
To understand suffering, you must go beyond pain and pleasure. Your own desires and fears prevent you from understanding and thereby helping others. In reality there are no others, and by helping yourself you help everybody else. If you are serious about the suffering of mankind, you must perfect the only means of help you have, yourself (Everybody Else Quotes)
A leader is someone who has the courage to say publicly what everybody else is whispering privately. It is not his insight that sets the leader apart from the crowd. It is his courage to act and speak up when everyone else is silent... are those who would rather challenge what needs to change and pay the price than remain silent and die on the inside (Everybody Else Quotes)
So when I look at spending more dollars, I look at the fact, do I really want my kids and your kids and everybody else’s kids in this country to have to pay that bill? (Everybody Else Quotes)
There were some situations where I was giving up everything I had for the band and I just expected everybody else to feel the same way. I realized I was just kidding myself (Everybody Else Quotes)
The music we made then was so amateurish, compared to the rest of mainstream pop or rock and roll. But what differentiated us from what everybody else was doing in the business was the fact that you could tell that these people came from different reference areas (Everybody Else Quotes)
And, strangely, this one of the few things in life that the third, the latter, the buy with our eyes closed has actually done better than everybody else (Everybody Else Quotes)
In order to get somewhere in life, you need to have a vision. The vision brings you to the table. Without a vision, you just do what everybody else does and you are just there (Everybody Else Quotes)
There are a lot of stuff on the record that I am thinking is generic but actually it is just as good as everybody else who is putting stuff out at the time (Everybody Else Quotes)
As soon as the groupie finds out that you make errors in everyday life like everybody else does and that you are human, they turn on you and hate you (Everybody Else Quotes)
The simple answer is I’d just be a guy trying to feed my family, like everybody else. The complicated answer is, I think I’d be in some sort of military or government world of some sort (Everybody Else Quotes)