Everybody Quotes

Text Quotes
It is a maxim, that those, to whom everybody allows the second place, have an undoubted title to the first (Everybody Quotes)
Everybody is a story. When I was a child, people sat around kitchen tables and told their stories. We don’t do that so much anymore. Sitting around the table telling stories is not just a way of passing time. It is the way the wisdom gets passed along. The stuff that helps us to live a life worth remembering (Everybody Quotes)
And yet, I felt a surge of exhilaration just thinking about that night. Not just because I’d met the prince and fallen in love and started on my course toward happiness ever after, but because I’d made something happen. I’d done something everybody had told me I couldn’t. I’d changed my life all by myself. Having a fairy godmother would have ruined everything (Everybody Quotes)
Please watch out for each other and love and forgive everybody. It’s a good life, enjoy it (Everybody Quotes)
Anna despises two classes of people: first, those who own their own homes and have cars and families, and second, everybody else. Constantly she is on the verge of exploding. With rage. A pool of pure red. The pool is filled with speechlessness that talks away at her nonstop (Everybody Quotes)
Now I’m just like everybody else, and it’s so funny, the way monogamy is funny, the way someone falling down in the street is funny. I entered a revolving door and emerged as a human being. When you think of me is my face electronically blurred? (Everybody Quotes)
Because I’m dangerous. I don’t mean to be but I am. I’m dangerous to be around, dangerous to everybody. I cause harm. I might even harm you. And I couldn’t bear that (Everybody Quotes)
Everybody says women are like water. I think it’s because water is the source of life, and it adapts itself to its environment. Like women, water also gives of itself wherever it goes to nurture life (Everybody Quotes)
Everybody is damaged goods. Everybody got bumps and dents, ja? But sometimes two people fit together, and the bumps go into the dents, and you have a whole thing like a potato (Everybody Quotes)
She was a stirrer of the pot, a lover of intrigue and distress, a creature who seemed to draw oxygen from the spectacle of people at each other’s throat, everybody in a state of upset and talking about her (Everybody Quotes)
Why can’t people have what they want? The things were all there to content everybody; yet everybody has the wrong thing (Everybody Quotes)
We found ourselves wanting to hurry time along, which was not in the long run good for our health. Everybody was trapped in this contradiction but nobody ever dared to articulate it (Everybody Quotes)
She felt so much aware of her own beauty it seemed inconceivable that everybody else wouldn’t notice the difference too (Everybody Quotes)
Everybody works... That’s what life is. Work and a little play and a lot of prayer (Everybody Quotes)
Everybody wanted to be the hero of their own story. Nobody wanted to be comic relief (Everybody Quotes)
What a blessing it is to love books. Everybody must love something, and I know of no objects of love that give such substantial and unfailing returns as books and a garden (Everybody Quotes)
Young people get the foolish idea that what is new for them must be new for everybody else too. No matter how unconventional they get, they’re just repeating what others before them have done (Everybody Quotes)
And I saw that all my life I had known that this was going to happen, and that I’d been afraid for a long time, I’d been afraid for a long time. There’s fear, of course, with everybody. But now it had grown, it had grown gigantic; it filled me and it filled the whole world (Everybody Quotes)
Was everybody seeing this stuff and acting as though they weren’t? Was insanity just a matter of dropping the act? (Everybody Quotes)
And in this curious state I had the realization, at the moment of seeing that stranger there, that I was a person like everybody else. That I was known by my actions and words, that my internal universe was unavailable for inspection by others. They didn’t know. They didn’t know, because I never told them (Everybody Quotes)
There comes a time for everybody when words and reasons can become such a great weariness (Everybody Quotes)
Have you noticed how nobody ever looks up? Nobody looks at chimneys, or trees against the sky, or the tops of buildings. Everybody just looks down at the pavement or their shoes. The whole world could pass them by and most people wouldn’t notice (Everybody Quotes)
Writing poetry is talking to oneself; yet it is a mode of talking to oneself in which the self disappears; and the product’s something that, though it may not be for everybody, is about everybody (Everybody Quotes)
Everybody takes what they life from the teachings of the church, and ignores the parts that don’t suit them (Everybody Quotes)
Everybody dies; that’s a fact. Sometimes it blindsides people. Sometimes people get a glimpse of the big picture and decide to cheat (Everybody Quotes)
As we have seen, nobody is lucky enough not to be born, everybody is unlucky enough to have been born – and particularly bad luck it is (Everybody Quotes)
Why do fools fall in love? I’ll tell you why, because everybody else has simply got too much else to do (Everybody Quotes)
We may finally ask ourselves whether coincidence really does exist. Maybe everybody we run into is walking around near us with the undying hope of meeting us? To think of it, it’s a fact that they often seem out of breath (Everybody Quotes)
Everybody has that feeling when they look at a work of art and it’s right, that sudden familiarity, a sort of... recognition, as though they were creating it themselves, as though it were being created through them while they look at it or listen to it (Everybody Quotes)
I daydream about a high school where everybody plays the harmonica: the students, the teachers, the principal, the janitor and the cook in the cafeteria (Everybody Quotes)