Everybody Quotes

Text Quotes
No one makes a revolution by himself; and there are some revolutions which humanity accomplishes without quite knowing how, because it is everybody who takes them in hand (Everybody Quotes)
Acting is something different to everybody. I just know that if you watch an actor or actress getting better and better, I think that’s them just understanding themselves better and better (Everybody Quotes)
Everybody smokes! Models, actresses, everyone! Don’t they realize that it’s gross? I understand it’s an addiction, but it still pains me to see my friends do it (Everybody Quotes)
The joy of acting for me is to be able to experience emotions in a safe environment. You can’t scream and cry in the street because everybody will look. If you do it on a movie set, you get applauded (Everybody Quotes)
Yeah, we shot ourselves in the foot right out of the gate. The guy who ran it at first misled pretty much everybody about how much capital we had. He said we had enough to go three years without making money, and we had enough to go three weeks (Everybody Quotes)
The artist alone sees spirits. But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them (Everybody Quotes)
Everybody doesn’t have to get every joke. People really appreciate not being condescended to (Everybody Quotes)
Everybody is so talented nowadays that the only people I care to honor as deserving real distinction are those who remain in obscurity (Everybody Quotes)
Why can’t somebody give us a list of things that everybody thinks and nobody says, and another list of things that everybody says and nobody thinks? (Everybody Quotes)
Love, I find, is like singing. Everybody can do enough to satisfy themselves, though it may not impress the neighbors as being very much (Everybody Quotes)
I’ve never been one to have to manipulate women. I always want it to be like a mutual thing, like everybody loves everybody (Everybody Quotes)
Everybody should do at least two things each day that he hates to do, just for practice (Everybody Quotes)
Everybody knows if you are too careful you are so occupied in being careful that you are sure to stumble over something (Everybody Quotes)
Name any name and then remember everybody you ever knew who bore that name. Are they all alike. I think so (Everybody Quotes)
Everybody believes in something and everybody, by virtue of the fact that they believe in something, uses that something to support their own existence (Everybody Quotes)
London is a small place, and it is very incestuous. People know where you live. Everybody is sort of on top of each other (Everybody Quotes)
I got a chain letter by fax. It’s very simple. You just fax a dollar bill to everybody on the list (Everybody Quotes)
The physicists say that I am a mathematician, and the mathematicians say that I am a physicist. I am a completely isolated man and though everybody knows me, there are very few people who really know me (Everybody Quotes)
I don’t keep any close friends. I don’t keep any secrets. I don’t need friends. I just tell everybody everything, that’s all (Everybody Quotes)
If you fell head first into a pigsty, you’d try to convince everybody you did it on purpose (Everybody Quotes)
The man with a host of friends who slaps on the back everybody he meets is regarded as the friend of nobody (Everybody Quotes)
Esteem must be founded on some sort of preference. Bestow it on everybody and it ceases to have any meaning at all (Everybody Quotes)
Life is like arriving late for a movie, having to figure out what was going on without bothering everybody with a lot of questions, and then being unexpectedly called away before you find out how it ends (Everybody Quotes)
Because I want every kid to be viewed as a person rather than as a member of a certain race does not mean that I’m not black enough... Do they want me to be positive just for black kids and negative for everybody else? (Everybody Quotes)
People exaggerate the value of things they haven’t got everybody worships truth and unselfishness because they have no experience with them (Everybody Quotes)
Many people claim coffee inspires them, but, as everybody knows, coffee only makes boring people even more boring (Everybody Quotes)
People are so constituted that everybody would rather undertake what they see others do, whether they have an aptitude for it or not (Everybody Quotes)
A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous and then dismissed as trivial, until finally, it becomes what everybody knows (Everybody Quotes)
There is no good in living in a society where you are merely the equal of everybody else. The true pleasure of life is to live with your inferiors (Everybody Quotes)
You know about a person who deeply interests you more than you can be told. A look, a gesture, an act, which to everybody else is insignificant tells you more about that one than words can (Everybody Quotes)