Everyone Quotes

Text Quotes
We musn’t forget old people with their rotten bodies, old people who are so close to death, something that young people don’t want to think about. We musn’t forget that our bodies decline, friends die, everyone forgets about us, and the end is solitude. Nor must we forget that these old people were young once, that a lifespan is pathetically short, that one day you’re twenty and the next day you’re eighty (Everyone Quotes)
Pride is holding your head up when everyone around you has theirs bowed. Courage is what makes you do it (Everyone Quotes)
I am ready to disclaim my opinion, even of yesterday, even of 10 minutes ago, because all opinions are relative. One lives in a field of influences, one is influenced by everyone one meets, everything is an exchange of influences, all opinions are derivative. Once you deal a new deck of cards, you’ve got a new deck of cards (Everyone Quotes)
I’ve always found that one of the biggest benefits of being a girl is that most people refuse to take you seriously. While boys must be constantly monitored and are always the first suspects when anything goes wrong, everyone expects girls to do what they’re told. It may seem a little insulting at first, but low expectations can be a blessing in disuise. If you’re smart, you can use people’s foolishness to your own advantage. It’s amazing what you can get away with when no one bothers watching (Everyone Quotes)
People who are going to get along really well know it almost as soon as they meet. You spend a little while talking and everyone starts to feel this conviction, you’re all equally sure that you’re at the beginning of something good. That’s how it is when you meet people you’re going to be with for a long time (Everyone Quotes)
If you always make the right decision, the safe decision, the one most people make, you will be the same as everyone else (Everyone Quotes)
Sometimes you never feel meaner than the moment you stop being mean. It’s like how turning on a light makes you realize how dark the room had gotten. And the way you usually act, the things you would have normally done, are like these ghosts that everyone can see but pretends not to (Everyone Quotes)
They were perfectly suited. They would speak of books the livelong day and night and bore everyone else but themselves to distraction (Everyone Quotes)
It’s strange how memory gets twisted and pulled like taffy in its retelling, how a single event can mean something different to everyone present (Everyone Quotes)
You look like a handsome young man…although you might want to zip your fly. Mom! What? Should I have not told you and left it for everyone else to notice at the dance? (Everyone Quotes)
If you decide to just go with the flow, you’ll end up where the flow goes, which is usually downhill, often leading to a big pile of sludge and a life of unhappiness. You’ll end up doing what everyone else is doing (Everyone Quotes)
You tell them what a happy ending consists of, which is always individual success. You tell them that nothing irrational exists in this world, which is a lie. You tell them that conflict only exists only to be neatly resolved, and that everyone who is poor wants to be rich, and everyone who is ill wants to get better, and everyone who gets involved in crime comes to a bad end, and that love should be pure. You tell them that despite all this they are special, that the world revolves around them (Everyone Quotes)
Some friends of theirs had rented their house for several months to an interior decorator. When they returned, they discovered that their entire library had been reorganized by color and size. Shortly thereafter, the decorator met with a fatal automobile accident. I confess that when this story was told, everyone around the dinner table concurred that justice had been served (Everyone Quotes)
Nowadays, we never allow ourselves the convenience of being temporarily unavailable, even to strangers. With telephone and beeper, people subject themselves to being instantly accessible to everyone at all times, and it is the person who refuses to be on call, rather than the importunate caller, who is considered rude (Everyone Quotes)
Everyone always talks about how well mothers know their children. No one ever seems to notice how well children know their mothers (Everyone Quotes)
There was a sergeant at a desk. I knew he was a sergeant because I recognized the marks on his uniform, and I knew it was a desk because it’s always a desk. There’s always someone at a desk, except when it’s a table that functions as a desk. You sit behind a desk, and everyone knows you’re supposed to be there, and that you’re doing something that involves your brain. It’s an odd, special kind of importance. I think everyone should get a desk; you can sit behind it when you feel like you don’t matter (Everyone Quotes)
Anyone can give up; it is the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone would expect you to fall apart, now that is true strength (Everyone Quotes)
In the world I notice persons are nearly always stressed and have no time... I don’t know how persons with jobs do the jobs and all the living as well... I guess the time gets spread very thin like butter all over the world, the roads and houses and playgrounds and stores, so there’s only a little smear of time on each place, then everyone has to hurry on to the next bit (Everyone Quotes)
It’s safe to tell a secret to one. Risky to tell it to two. To tell it to three is thoughtless folly, everyone else will know (Everyone Quotes)
You see how it is, my dear friends. There’s no pleasing everyone. It’s hopeless to even try, and the more you play the peacemaker, the less peaceful things become (Everyone Quotes)
... miles away from everthing and everyone I’ve ever known or loved. I feel as if I’ve entered a new era of my life. What strange places our lives carry us to (Everyone Quotes)
Everyone loves a witch hunt as long as it’s someone else’s witch being hunted (Everyone Quotes)
Really, according to the shrinks, I am angry at everyone ever. Especially them. I am all anger and resentment all the time. Not one of them has ever suggested that maybe I lie because the world is better the way I tell it (Everyone Quotes)
Inside all people there is love, also the need to take care of the other man who is his brother. Inside everyone is a savage, but there is also happening tenderness and compassion (Everyone Quotes)
Everyone knows that not all change is good or even necessary. But in a world that is constantly changing, it is to our advantage to learn how to adapt and enjoy something better (Everyone Quotes)
How do I explain a life that has lasted for billions of years? It is almost as if I must start with an apology for being alive when everyone I once knew is dead (Everyone Quotes)
I started thinking about life insurance and how nice it would be if you could get insurance that your life would be happy, and that everyone you knew could be happy, and they could all do what they really wanted to do, and they could all find the people they wanted to find (Everyone Quotes)
I am free to choose my own actions. Indeed, like everyone else, I must be so. A good act that is compelled is not goodness at all, but merely force (Everyone Quotes)
Everyone was a rose but even more complex than a mere flower. Everyone was made up of infinitely layered petals. And everyone had something indescribably precious at the heart of their being. No one was shallow. Not really (Everyone Quotes)
History doesn’t choose individual people. History chooses everyone. Every day. The only question is: How long will you ignore the call? (Everyone Quotes)