Evidence Quotes

Text Quotes
Religious faith not only lacks evidence, its independence from evidence is its pride and joy, shouted from the rooftops (Evidence Quotes)
I admire and respect the tenacity, courage, and patience of the unenlightened in the face of so much overwhelming evidence (Evidence Quotes)
Women are like the police. They can have all the evidence in the world, but they still want the confession (Evidence Quotes)
There is scientific evidence that demonstrates there is some impact from human activities. However I don’t think the evidence is conclusive (Evidence Quotes)
We have strong evidence today that studying a foreign language has a ripple effect, helping to improve student performance in other subjects (Evidence Quotes)
The idea of a superior or inferior race is a myth that has been completely refuted by anthropological evidence (Evidence Quotes)
We are like a judge confronted by a defendant who declines to answer, and we must determine the truth from the circumstantial evidence (Evidence Quotes)
An unflinching determination to take the whole evidence into account is the only method of preservation against the fluctuating extremes of fashionable opinion (Evidence Quotes)
When you spring to an idea, and decide it is truth, without evidence, you blind yourself to other possibilities (Evidence Quotes)
All credibility, all good conscience, all evidence of truth come only from the senses (Evidence Quotes)
Dreams are evidence that we are creatures who produce more meaning than we can ourselves understand (Evidence Quotes)
Women are like police, they can have all the evidence in the world but they still want a confession (Evidence Quotes)
Thanks for getting divorced and adding to the statistical evidence I use as an excuse to avoid marriage (Evidence Quotes)
If you judge after appearances, you will continue to be enslaved by the evidence of your senses (Evidence Quotes)
Aging and its evidence remain lifes most predictable events, yet they also remain matters we prefer to leave unmentioned, unexplored (Evidence Quotes)
On the whole, the evidence indicates that model trends in the troposphere are very likely inconsistent with observations (Evidence Quotes)
Never underestimate the power of the human mind to believe what it wants to believe, no matter the conflicting evidence (Evidence Quotes)
We should all oppose - as Darwin did - views manifestly in conflict with the evidence, such as creationism... But we shouldn’t set up this debate as ‘religion v science’ instead we should strive for peaceful coexistence with at least the less dogmatic strands of mainstream religions, which number many excellent scientists among their adherents (Evidence Quotes)
When you deal with something like compassion for physical pain, which we know is very, very old in evolution - we can find evidence for it in nonhuman species - the brain processes it at a faster speed. Compassion for mental pain took many seconds longer (Evidence Quotes)
Politicians need a better understanding of global ecology. We need to be freed from our species-specific arrogance. No evidence exists that we are chosen, the unique species for which all the others were made. Nor are we the most important one because we are so numerous, powerful and dangerous (Evidence Quotes)
Let the winds of evidence blow you about as though you are a leaf, with no direction of your own. Beware lest you fight a rearguard retreat against the evidence, grudgingly conceding each foot of ground only when forced, feeling cheated. Surrender to the truth as quickly as you can (Evidence Quotes)
I was taught over and over again that the accumulation of random mutations led to evolutionary change - led to new species. I believed it until I looked for evidence (Evidence Quotes)
The best way to look at countries on a map is like a chalk outline drawn by the police when someone dies what you are seeing with the borders are just outlines of historical crimes past warlords empires its nothing to be loyal to. Have loyalty to reason, to evidence, to ideals not to lines drawn up mostly by criminals (Evidence Quotes)
Christ’s resurrection is the ground-work of our hope. And the new birth is our title or evidence of our interest in it (Evidence Quotes)
In making up my mind as to what Mr. Lincoln really believed, I do not take into consideration the evidence of unnamed persons or the contents of anonymous letters; I take the testimony of those who knew and loved him, of those to whom he opened his heart and to whom he spoke in the freedom of perfect confidence (Evidence Quotes)
I have a standing offer of $250,000 to anyone who can give any empirical evidence (scientific proof) for evolution. My $250,000 offer demonstrates that the hypothesis of evolution is nothing more than a religious belief (Evidence Quotes)
Sincerity is not test of truth-no evidence of correctness of conduct. You may take poison sincerely believing it the needed medicine, but will it save your life? (Evidence Quotes)
Neither logic nor scientific evidence supports such a belief. Although spinal manipulation can relieve certain types of back pain, neck pain, and other musculoskeletal symptoms, there is no scientific evidence that it can restore or maintain health. As a result of expressing my opinion on this subject, I have been called a chiropractic heretic (Evidence Quotes)
The beauty of new media is that no evidence is necessary. The brave blog-troopers have stormed the cockpit of news, and wrestled the joystick of authority away from the seasoned pilots of the press who would land our country at the Facts International Airport (Evidence Quotes)
These disturbing phenomena [Extra Sensory Perception] seem to deny all our scientific ideas. How we should like to discredit them! Unfortunately the statistical evidence, at least for telepathy, is overwhelming (Evidence Quotes)