Evidence Quotes

Text Quotes
Institutionalized discrimination is bad for people and for societies. Widespread discrimination is also bad for economies. There is clear evidence that when societies enact laws that prevent productive people from fully participating in the workforce, economies suffer. (Evidence Quotes)
There is no evidence that dogs have the kind of complex emotional lives and value systems that we do. It’s one reason why we love them so much, in fact. They are neither good nor bad. They don’t hold grudges, act in petty ways, or seek revenge. They read our moods, but not our minds. (Evidence Quotes)
There is no evidence that more regulation makes things better. The most highly regulated industry in America is commercial banking, and that didn’t save those institutions from making terrible decisions. (Evidence Quotes)
Baseball loyalists cite the game’s legendary numbers - 300 wins, 500 homers, 3,000 hits - as evidence of the sport’s elegance, beauty, and gravitas. What no one mentions is how wretched and painful it is to actually watch a former star gasp and sputter his way toward a legendary number. (Evidence Quotes)
If I had admitted my guilt, it would have been the same as putting my head on the chopping block - lifetime ban. Death penalty. I spent my entire life on the baseball fields of America, and I was not going to give up my profession without first seeing some hard evidence ... right or wrong, the punishment didn’t fit the crime, so I denied the crime. (Evidence Quotes)
My wife is a Christian and is extraordinary patient, logical, and philosophical. For years, I would challenge and condemn her beliefs, battering the structure of her conclusions with every argument, analogy, and evidence I could bring to bear. I am a very argumentative man, and I am as fell and subtle as a serpent in debate. (Evidence Quotes)
There’s a lot of evidence in evolutionary sciences that show that altruism and acting in ways that are empathetic to others are actually beneficial on an evolutionary basis. (Evidence Quotes)
If you were arrested for being kind to yourself..would there be enough evidence to convict you? (Evidence Quotes)
I would assume that you were going to offer me refreshment, but the evidence so far suggests that that would be optimistic to the point of foolishness. (Evidence Quotes)
Mere opinions, in fact, were as likely to govern people’s actions as hard evidence, and were subject to sudden reversals as hard evidence could never be. (Evidence Quotes)
A very beautiful honey blonde, Sharon Tate, looked into the eyes of the man who the evidence shows just four and a half months later would order her tragic and violent death. (Evidence Quotes)
I was writing a chapter of Beautiful Evidence on the subject of the sculptural pedestal, which led to my thinking about what’s up on the pedestal - the great leader. (Evidence Quotes)
We’ve spent now about 150 years trying to convince ourselves that photographs are reliable evidence, some unimpeachable slice of the real world. That was a myth from the very beginning. (Evidence Quotes)
It is hard to repent, to admit you are wrong on faith alone before the evidence of a feeling of being forgiven and light comes. (Evidence Quotes)
I don’t much like being a public figure, because so often how people appear is not how they really are, and I think one of the issues about our society is that we make judgments about people on the basis of very flimsy evidence. (Evidence Quotes)
We have evidence that a number of Bahrainis who oppose our government are being trained in Syria. I have seen the files and we have notified the Syrian authorities, but they deny any involvement. (Evidence Quotes)
There is good evidence that Venus once had liquid water and a much thinner atmosphere, similar to Earth billions of years ago. But today the surface of Venus is dry as a bone, hot enough to melt lead, there are clouds of sulfuric acid that reach a hundred miles high and the air is so thick it’s like being 900 meters deep in the ocean. (Evidence Quotes)
The mishandling of the would-be airplane bomber Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab’s visa is only the latest piece of evidence that the granting of visas should be taken away from the State Department. For the granting of visas - especially today, when terrorism is such a complex threat - is far closer to being a law-enforcement function. (Evidence Quotes)
The U.S. obviously has all the evidence they need to prosecute bankers. They just need to search their own spy database and then there you go - 1,000 bankers in jail, a trillion dollars in fines. But it doesn’t happen. Instead, the spy network is being used to fight a copyright case. They used Prism to spy on me. (Evidence Quotes)
There is no limit to suffering human beings have been willing to inflict on others, no matter how innocent, no matter how young, and no matter how old. This fact must lead all reasonable human beings, that is, all human beings who take evidence seriously, to draw only one possible conclusion: Human nature is not basically good. (Evidence Quotes)
The scientific evidence to support their belief that inhaling other people’s smoke causes cancer simply does not exist. (Evidence Quotes)
I noticed a long time ago that the Universe rewards belief systems. It doesn’t really matter what you believe - it’ll be there and waiting for you if you go and look for it. Decide the universe is, say, run by secret enormous teddy bears, and I can guarantee you’ll immediately start running across evidence that this is true. (Evidence Quotes)
Not to believe in love is a great sign of dullness. There are some people so indirect and lumbering that they think all real affection rests on circumstantial evidence. (Evidence Quotes)
I don’t believe you can find any evidence of the fact that I have changed government policy solely because of a contribution. (Evidence Quotes)
I have issues with anyone who tries to claim that science is unworkable - creationists who deny evidence for past history, yet are happy to benefit from the products of the methodology that they otherwise deny. (Evidence Quotes)
The best evidence that time travel is impossible is the fact that we haven’t been invaded by hordes of tourists from the future. (Evidence Quotes)
Pictures could not be accessories to the story -- evidence -- they had to contain the story within the frame; the best picture contained a whole war within one frame. (Evidence Quotes)
Religion: A lot of fanciful ideas inspired by wishful thinking. Science: A lot of logical ideas based on the best evidence available. Which should we have faith in? (Evidence Quotes)
No police officer could compel a satyagrahi to give evidence against a person who has confessed to him. A satyagrahi would never be guilty of a betrayal of trust. (Evidence Quotes)
There is no better education than your own failures, if you’ve the eyes to see. We must have the courage to fail. It’s evidence that we’re risking to be our best. (Evidence Quotes)