Evil Quotes

Text Quotes
I know indeed what evil I intend to do, but stronger than all my afterthoughts is my fury, fury that brings upon mortals the greatest evils (Evil Quotes)
There is no worse evil than a bad woman; and nothing has ever been produced better than a good one (Evil Quotes)
People are naive about such things, and they would rather write them off as evil than attempt to understand them. An unfortunate truth, but a truth nonetheless (Evil Quotes)
People know the difference between good and evil in their hearts - if they search them. Religions twist good and evil. Their differences are the kind that need to be taught because they aren't natural (Evil Quotes)
Good and evil are a great deal more complex than a princess and a dragon... is not the dragon the hero of his own story? (Evil Quotes)
Evil has no substance of its own, but is only the defect, excess, perversion, or corruption of that which has substance (Evil Quotes)
It is a governing principle of nature, that the agency which can produce most good, when perverted from its proper aim, is most productive of evil (Evil Quotes)
... The evil spirit delights more to dwell in an artful body, than in one that has no cunning to work upon (Evil Quotes)
So close to the powers of evil she must have lived that she still breathed more freely in their air (Evil Quotes)
Just as it is the love of money that is the root of all evil, it is the belief in shamefulness that is the root of all misery (Evil Quotes)
That is what a shadow is, and empty space, a hole in the light. Evil is this - a hole in the goodness of God (Evil Quotes)
After much searching I have found the thing that sets me apart: a sort of stubborn attachment to evil (Evil Quotes)
This is the greatest evil that grows out of a wrong act. Somebody always remembers it… in an evil way (Evil Quotes)
Oh, this was the great ploy of Satan in that kingdom of his: to display such blatant evil one could almost believe one's own secret sin didn't matter (Evil Quotes)
How shall I speak thee, or thy power address Thou God of our idolatry, the Press... Like Eden's dead probationary tree, knowledge of good and evil is from thee (Evil Quotes)
All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win is for enough good women to do nothing (Evil Quotes)
The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil (Evil Quotes)
I spent my first three weeks there on a wing with 21 murderers. I met some very evil people there but also some men who'd had no upbringing, no chance in life (Evil Quotes)
Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core (Evil Quotes)
The sad truth of the matter is that most evil is done by people who never made up their minds to be or do either evil or good (Evil Quotes)
The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil (Evil Quotes)
It was as though in those last minutes he was summing up the lessons that this long course in human wickedness had taught us the lesson of the fearsome, word and thought defying banality of evil (Evil Quotes)
People are never so completely and enthusiastically evil as when they act out of religious conviction (Evil Quotes)
The greatest evil perpetrated is the evil committed by nobodies, that is, by human beings who refuse to be persons (Evil Quotes)
Evil in the Third Reich had lost the quality by which most people recognize it - the quality of temptation (Evil Quotes)
Mouse was the truest friend I ever had. And if there is such a thing as true evil, he was that too (Evil Quotes)
Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act (Evil Quotes)
He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it (Evil Quotes)
Judging others makes us blind, whereas love is illuminating. By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just as entitled to as we are (Evil Quotes)
Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil (Evil Quotes)