Evil Quotes

Text Quotes
Questions of absolute good and evil are much better not opened to public debate these days, when so few people are sure of their absolutes (Evil Quotes)
Evil doesn’t have to be an overt act; it can be merely the absence of good. If you have the ability, the resources, and the opportunity to do good and you do nothing, that can be evil (Evil Quotes)
Oh, that we could but convince men and women that murmuring spirit is a greater evil than any affliction, whatever the affliction! (Evil Quotes)
The two great movers of the human mind are the desire of good and the fear of evil (Evil Quotes)
Among the myrtles the mantids moved, lightly, carefully, swaying slightly, the quintessence of evil. They were lank and green, with chinless faces and monstrous globular eyes, frosty gold, with an expression of intense, predatory madness in them. The crooked arms, with their fringes of sharp teeth, would be raised in mock supplication to the insect world, so humble, so fervent, trembling slightly when a butterfly flew too close (Evil Quotes)
The purely righteous do not complain of the dark, but increase the light; they do not complain of evil, but increase justice; they do not complain of heresy, but increase faith; they do not complain of ignorance, but increase wisdom (Evil Quotes)
The chief evil with relation to the body is love for the body and pitying it. This takes away all the soul’s authority over the body and makes the soul the slave of the body. And on the contrary, one who does not spare the body will not be disturbed in whatever he does by apprehensions born of blind love of life. How fortunate is one who is trained to this from childhood! (Evil Quotes)
Information technology alone cannot provide us an absolute shield against its evil twin disinformation technology. Our only protection is law, and that protection is available to us only if legitimate governments have the power to govern (Evil Quotes)
Even the crudest, most derivative novel is an expression of the author’s hopes and fears and ideas about good and evil (Evil Quotes)
Who would talk about the evolutionary mind? Who cares about the good and evil in the evolution of species, and so on? This must be interesting only to the degree to which it informs us in this very present moment regarding our choices that we will make in the creation of our future (Evil Quotes)
Bullies may be the perpetrators of evil, but it is the evil of passivity of all those who know what is happening and never intervene that perpetuates such abuse (Evil Quotes)
In sum, doubling is the psychological means by which one invokes the evil potential of the self. That evil is neither inherent in the self nor foreign to it. To live out the doubling and call forth the evil is a moral choice for which one is responsible, whatever the level of consciousness involved (Evil Quotes)
If the race is to be freed from its crippling burden of good and evil it must be psychiatrists who take the original responsibility (Evil Quotes)
Work is the source of nearly all the misery in the world. Almost any evil you’d care to name comes from working or from living in a world designed for work. In order to stop suffering, we have to stop working (Evil Quotes)
Within me is the potential to commit every evil act I see being committed by other men, and unless I feel this potential, I can at any moment be controlled by these same urges. I am free from these urges only if I recognize when I am feeling them, and while feeling them and acknowledging them to be me, choose not to follow them. Only in this way can I begin to regain the disowned parts of me. And only in this way can I know what it is I am criticizing in others (Evil Quotes)
I came into the world charged with the duty to uphold the right in every place, to destroy sin and evil... the only reason I took birth was to see that righteousness may flourish, that good may live, and tyrants be torn out by their roots (Evil Quotes)
The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference. Indifference creates evil. Hatred is evil itself. Indifference is what allows evil to be strong, what gives it power (Evil Quotes)
If every man,... ceased to hate and blame every other man for his own failures and shortcomings, we would see the end of every evil in the world, from war to backbiting (Evil Quotes)
Shallow breathing is the root of all evil but conscious deep breathing restores and secures our souls (Evil Quotes)
Evil feeds off a source of apathy, weak in the mind, and of course you have to be. Less than a man, more like a thing, no knowledge you’re nothing, knowledge is king (Evil Quotes)
Other men look to him as someone to emulate. His church calls on him for strength and leadership. He is a preserver of culture and a champion of society to keep out evil and usher in good (Evil Quotes)
Classical tragedy was the war between good and evil. We wanted evil to be defeated and good to be victorious. But the battle in modern tragedy is between good and good. And no matter which side wins, we’ll still be heartbroken (Evil Quotes)
Riches are a cause of evil, not because, of themselves, they do any evil, but because they goad men on to evil (Evil Quotes)
Humanity seems doomed to do more evil than good. The greatest ideal on earth is human love (Evil Quotes)
It’s here, where absolute evil was perpetrated, that the will must resurface for a fraternal world, a world based on respect of man and his dignity (Evil Quotes)
Democracy is threatened by the inertia of good people, by the selfishness of most people, and by the evil designs of a few people (Evil Quotes)
Evil has always existed, the perfect world most people seek shall never come to pass and it’s gonna get worse (Evil Quotes)
The statesman must think in terms of the national interest, conceived as power among other powers. The popular mind, unaware of the fine distinctions of the statesman’s thinking, reasons more often than not in the simple moralistic and legalistic terms of absolute good and absolute evil (Evil Quotes)
Everything can be taken from you in a second, but the human spirit is so strong. War can teach you so much about evil, and so much about good (Evil Quotes)
The seduction of evil is precisely in that it involves us in trying to eliminate it. When your consciousness is open, any action you take in reference to evil has no more significance than digging a ditch to channel floodwaters away from a house (Evil Quotes)