Evil Quotes

Text Quotes
One is weary of hearing about the omnipotence of money. I will say rather that, for a genuine man, it is not evil to be poor (Evil Quotes)
... woman does not see what people of intellect perceived fifty years ago: that suffrage is an evil, that it has only helped to enslave people, that it has but closed their eyes that they may not see how craftily they were made to submit (Evil Quotes)
What is there so ponderous in evil, that a thumb’s bigness of it should outweigh the mass of things not evil, which were heaped into the other scale! (Evil Quotes)
Eating too much meat gives you indigestion and evil thoughts make you eat too much meat (Evil Quotes)
Evil is the radiation of the human consciousness in certain transitional positions. It is not actually the sensual world that is amere appearance; what is so is the evil of it, which, admittedly, is what constitutes the sensual world in our eyes (Evil Quotes)
The insolence of base minds in success is boundless; and would scarce admit of a comparison, did not they themselves furnish us with one in the degrees of their abjection when evil returns upon them (Evil Quotes)
Charity... is kind, it is not easily provok’d, it thinks no evil, it believes all things, hopes all things (Evil Quotes)
Pride is a fruitful source of uneasiness. It keeps the mind in disquiet. Humility is the antidote to this evil (Evil Quotes)
While extremely sensitive as to the slightest approach to slander, you must also guard against an extreme into which some people fall, who, in their desire to speak evil of no one, actually uphold and speak well of vice (Evil Quotes)
Professors could silence me then; they had figures, diagrams, maps, books... I was learning that books and diagrams can be evil things if they deaden the mind of man and make him blind or cynical before subjection of any kind (Evil Quotes)
We sometimes feel the shadows have got hold of us, the shadows of evil. But still, it’s up to us to fight (Evil Quotes)
Unfortunately, it is much easier to shut one’s eyes to good than to evil. Pain and sorrow knock at our doors more loudly than pleasure and happiness; and the prints of their heavy footsteps are less easily effaced (Evil Quotes)
When it was seen that many of the wicked seemed quite untroubled by evil conscience... then the idea of future suffering was advanced (Evil Quotes)
You are evil. But even the power of evil cannot stand against the power of faith and goodness (Evil Quotes)
There’s always the question of what is good and evil and the gray area in between where that most people live. In everyday life, things aren’t black or white, but rather there’s a lot of coping and really tough decision making (Evil Quotes)
Those who don’t fight evil hate those who do; and those who don’t fight real evils make up little evils (Evil Quotes)
War with evil; but show no spirit of malignity toward the man who may be responsible for the evil. Put it out of his power to do wrong (Evil Quotes)
Every pampered child becomes a hated child... There is no greater evil than the pampering of children (Evil Quotes)
Everything good is the transmutation of something evil: every God has a devil for a father (Evil Quotes)
A sure way to irritate people and to put evil thoughts into their heads is to keep them waiting a long time. This makes them immoral (Evil Quotes)
Analysis takes back with one hand what it gives with the other. I recoil in fear and loathing from that deplorable evil: continuous functions with no derivatives (Evil Quotes)
Every living body continuously eliminates feces, it rejects what is not serviceable to the assimilating organism: what man despises, what arouses his disgust, what he calls evil, are excrements (Evil Quotes)
Mistrust the man who finds everything good, the man who finds everything evil and still more the man who is indifferent to everything (Evil Quotes)
A great cause of evil in the world is that men seldom think themselves criminal if they offer the same injustice to others that has been successfully practiced on themselves (Evil Quotes)
Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of those who mutilate the flesh! (Evil Quotes)
Lying is a false significance of speech, with a will to deceive, which cannot be cured but by shame and reason; it is a monstrous and wicked evil, that filthily depraved and defileth the tongue of man (Evil Quotes)
One who breaks an unjust law that conscience tells him is unjust... is in reality expressing the highest respect for law... We will not obey your evil laws (Evil Quotes)
Money, it has been said, is the cause of good things to a good man, of evil things to a bad man (Evil Quotes)
Fear is the process of the mind in the struggle of becoming. In becoming good there is the fear of evil; in becoming complete, there is the fear of loneliness (Evil Quotes)
In being realistic we do not always have to be pessimistic. Christ never blinked his eyes at bad things. But he never became so obsessed with human evil that he lost faith in man (Evil Quotes)