Ex Quotes

Text Quotes
When your ex says "you'll never find anyone like me" reply "that's the point" (Ex Quotes)
If two past lovers can remain friends it's either they are still in love or never were (Ex Quotes)
If their ex is still calling it's because they're still getting an answer (Ex Quotes)
Oh you're dating my ex? Cool, I'm eating a sandwich. Want those leftovers too? (Ex Quotes)
I am currently training to be your hottest ex girlfriend (Ex Quotes)
Girlfriend. No girlfriend. Did he sell his gf? (Ex Quotes)
I know, man. My ex is a bitch too (Ex Quotes)
My ex-girlfriend. She has more issues than National Geographic (Ex Quotes)
Sees ex girlfriend. Now XL girlfriend (Ex Quotes)
How about no! You crazy clingy ex boyfriend (Ex Quotes)
Irregardless! Ex-boyfriends are just off limits to friends. I mean, that's just like the rules of feminism! (Ex Quotes)
For the creation waits in eager expectation for the manifestation of the sons of God (Ex Quotes)
Throw your ex here (Ex Quotes)
Gonna win her back (Ex Quotes)
That joyous moment when you come across your ex and feel absolutely nothing (Ex Quotes)
Ex boyfriend voodoo doll (Ex Quotes)
Looking at my ex now like (Ex Quotes)
Ex boyfriend. Y U no stop stalking me (Ex Quotes)
Dear Ex ; you are the reason why I know I deserve so much better (Ex Quotes)
Oh, you're dating my ex. I thought the five second rule was for food only (Ex Quotes)
As soon as your ex sees you smiling, thats the minute they want you back (Ex Quotes)
Dear Ex, someday I will catch myself smiling because my life is better without you (Ex Quotes)
You shouldn't get into a relationship knowing that you still have feelings for your ex (Ex Quotes)
Never let an old flame burn you twice (Ex Quotes)
Just so you know, seeing someone with your ex... even if you're ready. Not easy (Ex Quotes)
Honey! I don’t want your man, that’s why he’s with you! (Ex Quotes)
We’re just strangers with some memories (Ex Quotes)
That hilarious moment when you see your ex has downgraded (Ex Quotes)
My ex wasn’t an asshole. He was the whole ass (Ex Quotes)
Ex boyfriends be like. You left this at my house. When you wanna come get it? I miss you (Ex Quotes)