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The mother must set the example in holding out the shrine as the heart of the house hold! She must enforce discipline over the children in personal cleanliness in humility and hospitality, in good manners and acts of service  (Example Quotes) Somewhere a portion of contemporary art has to exist as an example of what the art and its context were meant to be  (Example Quotes) I throw down the gauntlet to chance. For example, I prepare the ground for a picture by cleaning my brush over the canvas. Spilling a little turpentine can also be helpful  (Example Quotes) I cite a good example, say, of agriculture,.. In agriculture we need to move with speed to bring to full utilization the land that is now in our possession. We need to curb aspects of corruption that are endemic in the economy. We need to be transparent in everything that we do. We need to be consistent in implementing the policies we would have agreed. And not implement policies one day and reverse them the other day  (Example Quotes) We might have new issues involving information technology for example, or new questions arising out of the war on terror, or new issues arising from natural disasters that can’t be anticipated  (Example Quotes) If you seek patience, you will find no better example than the cross. Great patience occurs in two ways: either when one patiently suffers much, or when one suffers things which one is able to avoid and yet does not avoid. Christ endured much on the cross, and did so patiently, because when he suffered he did not threaten; he was led like a sheep to the slaughter and he did not open his mouth  (Example Quotes) There is no greater block to world peace or inner peace than fear. What we fear we tend to develop an unreasoning hatred for, so we come to hate and fear. This not only injures us psychologically and aggravates world tension, but through such negative concentration we tend to attract the things we fear. If we fear nothing and radiate love, we can expect good things to come. How much this world needs the message and example of love and of faith!  (Example Quotes) Everyone has this sense of togetherness right now. For example, one guy on the subway today, he wanted to share my pants  (Example Quotes) A young girl is taught through the example of other women how to manipulate a man. She’s absolutely correct in doing so because the job she will get, the man she will marry, the experiences she will have, are very much dictated by her ability to do so  (Example Quotes) Men trust their eyes rather than their ears; the road by precept is long and tedious, by example short and effectual  (Example Quotes) It is time for you to make a commitment to create joy, creativity and love for yourself, only then will you benefit others, for if you do not evolve yourself, you do not serve others. By becoming a living example, by following what is in your heart, you show the way for others to follow with courage, what is in their hearts  (Example Quotes) A true martial artist, in my books anyways, is someone who is going to do the right thing and lead by example  (Example Quotes) Hiding our true thoughts and feelings is just one example of how we give our power away  (Example Quotes) Am I a good example? Well, at least I’m not too thin. I eat  (Example Quotes) A whole generation of veteran composers has never taken a stand or provided an example and has produced in the music academies generations of docile workers for the music industry. What can you expect from downtrodden workers who see music as a type of profession, like stenography, and not an act of creation that by its nature is subversive?  (Example Quotes) I definitely associate music with color. For example, my first record has a red cover but it is totally green and blue to me  (Example Quotes) I’ve dedicated my career to fighting the mundane. My hope is that my career will be a shining example to children everywhere that life is more meaningful when you are not afraid to see all colors of the rainbow  (Example Quotes) Feminists of my mother’s generation argued that both mom and dad should work a little less and each do some of the household chores. My parents, for example, split everything 50/50. Even though my father is a terrible cook, he still made dinner exactly half the time  (Example Quotes) Services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia  (Example Quotes) I’m hard pressed to give an example on the spot of a president who explicitly spoke of the vindication of history, but I’m confident that there are many such examples  (Example Quotes) I never uttered a word about things, but with my age now, I’ve completely lost all reservations. In more ways than one. I was never in front of the camera, for example, but now I’ve been in films and documentaries  (Example Quotes) I’m a practitioner of elegant frugality. I don’t feel comfortable telling other people what to do, so I just try and lead by example  (Example Quotes) Parliament has become so undermined it is almost unable to do the job that people expect of it. A glaring example is the budget bill, where there was no thoughtful debate or scrutiny of the legislation  (Example Quotes) They who set an example make a highway. Others follow the example, because it is easier to travel on a highway than over untrodden grounds  (Example Quotes) True leadership strengthens the followers. It is a process of teaching, setting an example, and empowering others. If you seek to lead, your ability will ultimately be measured in the successes of those around you  (Example Quotes) The crime of a bad example is the same whether men follow it or not, because he that gives bad example to others, does what in him lies to draw them into sin; and if they do not follow it, that is no mitigation of his fault  (Example Quotes) To a female superhero her sexiness is not the most important thing about her, it’s her mind, her spirit, and when I look at that character that to me is an example of characters that I like to play and I think it does a great thing for women  (Example Quotes) Many of us are caught in separateness and we look for love out there, out there. But then as we proceed inside there will be the love. The universe is an example of love. Like a tree. Like the ocean. Like my body. Like my wheelchair. I see the love  (Example Quotes) Moral virtue is... a mean between two vices, that of excess and that of defect, and... it is no small task to hit the mean in each case, as it is not, for example, any chance comer, but only the geometer, who can find the center of a given circle  (Example Quotes) The history of the development of mechanics is quite indispensable to a full comprehension of the science in its present condition. It also affords a simple and instructive example or the processes by which natural science generally is developed  (Example Quotes)
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