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One of the really fascinating areas is marketplaces that take advantage of mobile devices. Ridesharing is the obvious example, but that’s just the start of it, of selling goods and services with lightweight mobile apps  (Example Quotes) I only can write a book every two years, you know. And I write very fast, but I’m not always writing every day. I needed a contact with different things, like nature, for example. I cannot be in front of a computer trying to tell a story  (Example Quotes) As with all forms of liberation, of which the liberation of women is only one example, it is easy to suppose in a time of freedom that the darker days of repression can never come again  (Example Quotes) Libya is a good example of a country that has come to a realization that weapons of mass destruction threaten more than assure, and I hope that will be followed by others  (Example Quotes) These guys have been criticized the last few years for not getting to where we’re going, but I’ve always said that the most important thing in sports is to keep trying. Let this be an example of what it means to say it’s never over  (Example Quotes) I was convinced that our beliefs are based much more on custom and example than on any certain knowledge  (Example Quotes) His doctors said he was, in many ways, the most remarkable patient they’d ever seen. His bravery, so stark and real, that even those used to seeing people in dire circumstances were moved by his example  (Example Quotes) Say, for example, you develop the ability to make parking meters disappear. It’s probably easier to put a quarter in it. That would be the wisdom on the subject  (Example Quotes) The subtle differences in language and humor that get lost in translation, for example, make it almost impossible for big companies to do something that will appeal at home and abroad  (Example Quotes) With some of the bad things that come with love, there’s also a lot of good. For example that connection... which I struggle to have with most people  (Example Quotes) I’m a living, breathing example of someone who does the same exact thing, but drugs and alcohol just aren’t a part of who I am  (Example Quotes) The best gifts to give: To your friend, loyalty; To your enemy, forgiveness; To your boss, service; To a child, a good example; To your parents, gratitude and devotion; To your mate, love and faithfulness; To all men and women, charity  (Example Quotes) I’ve always shown up, always been prepared. Everything I do comes back to the example I want to set  (Example Quotes) If you want to have a creative culture, you can’t get it by reading books. You get it by example  (Example Quotes) Having three daughters, it is important for me to set a good example and teach them to make decisions that are healthy for your heart no matter what age you are  (Example Quotes) That it’s possible to do positive things and I think that’s how we’re going to set an example to be respected as women in the world  (Example Quotes) I just want to leave a positive memory of setting an example and bringing our youth with us  (Example Quotes) Children have a fastidiousness that time is slow to cure. It is to be wondered, for example, whether if the elderly were half as hungry as children are they would yet find so many things at table to be detestable  (Example Quotes) Resources on the planet are limited, and limited resources can come to an end. But there are also a lot of resources that are renewable. A lot of land, for example, can be reclaimed from the encroaching deserts  (Example Quotes) A plate of food has to have balance. For example, a mild fish like skate mustnt be overwhelmed by the side dishes. They should have personality and color, but they also have to be subtle  (Example Quotes) Reinvention is the key to surviving this fashion industry. Madonna is the perfect example of reinvention. She has taken something that is so little and turned herself into a legend by simply never staying the same  (Example Quotes) The actor’s role in the community is quite unlike anyone else’s. Businessmen, for example, don’t take their clothes off or cry in front of strangers in the course of their work. Actors do  (Example Quotes) A period film, where you, for example, where you have a traditional wardrobes, you are bound to act a certain way. But in a modern film, a lot of body gesture  (Example Quotes) To marry for love were no reproachful thing if we did not see that of ten thousand couples that do it, hardly one can be brought for an example that it may be done and not repented afterwards  (Example Quotes) White exists on the periphery of life. Bleached bones connect us to death, but the white of milk and eggs, for example, speaks to us of life  (Example Quotes) I don’t want to sound like some old person pining for how things used to be, because I’m not. But walking down the street, for example, used to be a public activity; you’d see the other people  (Example Quotes) The most available example of how poetry works for a poet is yourself, and yet you’ll probably be the last one to know exactly how you’re serving the art and how the art is serving you  (Example Quotes) Children learn many principles of natural law at a very early age. For example: they learn that when one child has picked up an apple or a flower, it is his, and that his associates must not take it from him against his will  (Example Quotes) My family has had to move and change their name and have been subject to threats from right wing blogs calling for my son, for example, to be killed to get at me  (Example Quotes) Sometimes, people forget my record of fiscal conservatism on major issues in the state legislature. The greatest example is my voting against the pension borrowing scheme in 1997  (Example Quotes)
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