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What will be left of the power of example if it is proved that capital punishment has another power, and a very real one, which degrades men to the point of shame, madness, and murder?  (Example Quotes) To the extent that we’ve got a fiscal crisis right now, part of it is prompted by a bullheaded insistence on the part of the president, for example, that we should extend all of his tax cuts, make all of them permanent  (Example Quotes) We must set an example now and move environmentalism from being the philosophy of a passionate minority... to a way of life that automatically integrates ecology into governmental policy and normal living standards  (Example Quotes) What the individual can do is to give a fine example, and to have the courage to uphold ethical values.. in a society of cynics  (Example Quotes) A leader leads from in front, by the power of example. A ruler pushes from behind, by means of the club, the whip, the power of fear  (Example Quotes) Every new and successful example of a perfect separation between ecclesiastical and civil matters is of importance  (Example Quotes) The process of shaping the child, shapes also the mother herself. Reverence for her sacred burden calls her to all that is pure and good, that she may teach primarily by her own humble, daily example  (Example Quotes) The best and only thing that one artist can do for another is to serve as an example and an inspiration  (Example Quotes) There is a fine balance between honoring the past and losing yourself in it. For example, you can acknowledge and learn from mistakes you made, and then move on and refocus on the now. It is called forgiving yourself  (Example Quotes) Perfect health, sincerity, honesty, straightforwardness, courage, disinterestedness, unselfishness, patience, endurance, perseverance, peace, calm, self control are all things that are taught infinitely better by example than by beautiful speeches  (Example Quotes) Abortion, euthanasia, human cloning, for example, risk reducing the human person to a mere object: life and death to order, as it were!  (Example Quotes) Marriage is the only known example of the happy meeting of the immovable object and the irresistible force  (Example Quotes) The role of dissident is not, and should not be, a claim of membership in a communion of saints. In other words, the more fallible the mammal, the truer the example  (Example Quotes) I have ever deemed it more honorable and more profitable, too, to set a good example than to follow a bad one  (Example Quotes) I know of no example in time or place of a society that has been marked by a large measure of political freedom, and that has not also used something comparable to a free market to organize the bulk of economic activity  (Example Quotes) God’s heart calls to our hearts, inviting us to come out of ourselves, to forsake our human certainties, to trust in him and, by following his example, to make ourselves a gift of unbounded love  (Example Quotes) Everybody’s life is either a warning or an example. You’ve got to decide what you’re gonna be and you have to draw a line in the sand  (Example Quotes) The weird set an example for the rest of us. They raise the bar. They show us through their actions that in fact we’re wired to do the new, not to comply with someone a thousand miles away  (Example Quotes) There are worries that seem to me sustained by the love of worry. For example, that people are reading from screens, or listening to recorded books. Why scold the impulse to enjoy language and narrative in whatever form it takes?  (Example Quotes) The early morning hour should be dedicated to praise: do not the birds set us the example?  (Example Quotes) The primary goal in the education of children is to teach, and to give the example of, a virtuous life  (Example Quotes) If you want risk taking, set an example yourself and reward and praise those that do  (Example Quotes) A guilty man is punished as an example for the mob; an innocent man convicted is the business of every honest citizen  (Example Quotes) Communists should set an example in study; at all times they should be pupils of the masses as well as their teachers  (Example Quotes) By the ruler’s cultivation of his own character there is set up the example of the course which all should pursue  (Example Quotes) To govern is to correct. If you set an example by being correct, who would dare remain incorrect?  (Example Quotes) Each man calls barbarism whatever is not his own practice; for indeed it seems we have no other test of truth and reason than the example and pattern of the opinions and customs of the country we live in  (Example Quotes) The bill’s a textbook example of special interest pork barrel politics at work, and I have no choice but to veto it  (Example Quotes) He never pays attention, he always knows the answer, and he can never tell you how he knows. We can’t keep thrashing him. He is a bad example to the other pupils. There’s no educating a smart boy  (Example Quotes) The blossom cannot tell what becomes of its odor, and no person can tell what becomes of his or her influence and example  (Example Quotes)
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