Example Quotes

Text Quotes
It would scarcely be acceptable, for example, to ask in the course of an ordinary conversation what our society holds to be the purpose of work (Example Quotes)
With wealth, I can do pretty much what I want. But you’ve got to provide a good example because you have a lot of people that look up to you now (Example Quotes)
The most any one can do is to confess as candidly as he can the grounds for the faith that is in him, and leave his example to work on others as it may (Example Quotes)
I have ever deemed it more honorable and profitable, too, to set a good example than to follow a bad one (Example Quotes)
The proletarian state must effect the transition to collective farming with extreme caution and only very gradually, by the force of example, without any coercion of the middle peasant (Example Quotes)
When the tyranny of the state is combined with the hypocrisy of the church, you have a modern example of the twin vultures that have devoured man, and his rights, throughout the ages (Example Quotes)
As parents, we guide by our unspoken example. It is only when we’re talking to them that our kids aren’t listening (Example Quotes)
We can manage without butter but not, for example, without guns. If we are attacked we can only defend ourselves with guns not with butter (Example Quotes)
It is a world of mischief that may be done by a single example of avarice or luxury. One voluptuous palate makes many more (Example Quotes)
A spontaneous production is against matter of fact; a thing without example, not only in man, but the vilest of weeds (Example Quotes)
Curiosity, or the love of knowledge, has a very limited influence, and requires youth, leisure education, genius and example to make it govern any person (Example Quotes)
Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others; it is the only means (Example Quotes)
The people are fashioned according to the example of their kings; and edicts are of less power than the life of their ruler (Example Quotes)
Precept and example, like the blades of a pair of scissors, are admirably adapted to their end when conjoined; separated, they lose the greater portion of their utility (Example Quotes)
The idea of the painter and the sculptor is undoubtedly that perfect and excellent example of the mind, by imitation of which imagined form all things are represented which fall under human sight (Example Quotes)
To say, for example, that a man is made up of certain chemical elements is a satisfactory description only for those who intend to use him as a fertilizer (Example Quotes)
I do not give you to posterity as a pattern to imitate, but as an example to deter (Example Quotes)
For example, the tiny ant, a creature of great industry, drags with its mouth whatever it can, and adds it to the heap which she is piling up, not unaware nor careless of the future (Example Quotes)
The inquirer after holiness should associate with those whose intelligence will instruct him; whose example will guide him; whose conversation will inspire him; whose cautions will warn him (Example Quotes)
Every man is bound to tolerate the act of which be himself has set the example (Example Quotes)
A pair of statements may be taken conjunctively or disjunctively; for example, it lightens and it thunders, is conjunctive, it lightens or it thunders is disjunctive. Each such individual act of connecting a pair of statements is a new monad for the mathematician (Example Quotes)
Pastor: One employed by the wicked to prove to them by his example that virtue doesn’t pay (Example Quotes)
Now, if you want to know my secret love, it is to be able to serve as an example (Example Quotes)
As an example, one of the schools I have been studying is too small to compete effectively in most sports, but participates with vigor each year in the state music contests (Example Quotes)
God created the family to provide the maximum love and support and morality and example that one can imagine (Example Quotes)
Our government... teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy (Example Quotes)
Probably the most visible example of unintended consequences, is what happens every time humans try to change the natural ecology of a place (Example Quotes)
Really, every woman is an example to me, because as women we go through so much pain. We have to live this perfect life when we are messed up inside. We all go through trials and tribulations (Example Quotes)
I’m a classic example of what can happen if you follow your inner voice. I was cursed with interests and some talent in many different areas. It confuses people (Example Quotes)
More by example than by word, my father taught me logical reasoning, compassion, love of others, honesty, and discipline applied with understanding (Example Quotes)