Example Quotes

Text Quotes
People look to you to set the example of what you believe is acceptable behavior (Example Quotes)
There is no significant example in history, before our time, of a society successfully maintaining moral life without the aid of religion (Example Quotes)
Pretending to be happy when you’re breaking down inside is an example of how strong you are as a person (Example Quotes)
One of them, for example, which will probably haunt me more than any other is the problem of communication (Example Quotes)
Pretending to be happy when you’re in pain is just an example of how strong you are as a person (Example Quotes)
Matching the right kidney to the right patient is one example of an algorithmic artificial intelligence (Example Quotes)
The world needs all the help you can give by way of cheerful, optimistic, inspiring thought and personal example (Example Quotes)
In some cases, the best advice you can share is not in words, but to just to be a living example of all the great stuff (Example Quotes)
Do we have anything in music for example that really wipes everything out? That just cleans everything away? (Example Quotes)
I’m an example of someone who never made it to university. I did have this dream to be a musician. I felt that this dream had an expiration date (Example Quotes)
Smiling when you’re in pain is just an example of how strong you are as a human being (Example Quotes)
There is always a lot to be thankful for, if you take the time to look. For example, I’m sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don’t hurt (Example Quotes)
And as a nurse, I know very well the importance, for example, of electronic medical records (Example Quotes)
I believe one would write better if the climate were bad. If there were a lot of wind and storms for example (Example Quotes)
Time, for example, is intimately connected with the goddess Kali, which partly accounts for her destructive nature. Energy - in Einstein’s equation, E=MC2 - is personified in India as Shakti in her various guises (Example Quotes)
The walking tour guides one through the city’s various landmarks, reciting bits of information the listener might find enlightening. I learned, for example, that in the late 1500s my little neighborhood square was a popular spot for burning people alive. Now lined with a row of small shops, the tradition continues, though in a figurative rather than literal sense (Example Quotes)
To learn true humility, we need more than a redefinition of greatness; we need even more than Jesus’ personal example of humble service. What we need is His death (Example Quotes)
The biggest benefit in my life comes from my Segway, which I use everywhere I am. If I’m going to San Antonio, for example, I’ll load it in the car and just go everywhere with it (Example Quotes)
Greenlight is a bad example of an election process. We came to the conclusion pretty quickly that we could just do away with Greenlight completely, because it was a bottleneck rather than a way for people to communicate choice (Example Quotes)
If Albert Einstein was right, Cal Ripken should have been a CEO or politician rather than a shortstop, because Ripken led by example over and over... and over again (Example Quotes)
The English have this extraordianry respect for longevity. The best example of this was Queen Victoria, a most unpleasant woman who achieved a sort of public affection simply by living to be an enormous age (Example Quotes)
As a leader, these attributes - confidence, perseverance, work ethic and good sense - are all things I look for in people. I also try to lead by example and create an environment where good questions and good ideas can come from anyone (Example Quotes)
Every notable advance in technique or organization has to be paid for, and in most cases the debit is more or less equivalent to the credit. Except of course when it’s more than equivalent, as it has been with universal education, for example, or wireless, or these damned aeroplanes. In which case, of course, your progress is a step backwards and downwards (Example Quotes)
Realism absorbs the ideal by adding a few small imperfections. Example: it paints a few specks of mud on the white gown of the Lady in the Garden (Example Quotes)
The average parent may, for example, plant an artist or fertilize a ballet dancer and end up with a certified public accountant. We cannot train children along chicken wire to make them grow in the right direction. Tying them to stakes is frowned upon, even in Massachusetts (Example Quotes)
Electricity is an example of a general purpose technology, like the steam engine before it. General purpose technologies drive most economic growth, because they unleash cascades of complementary innovations, like lightbulbs and, yes, factory redesign (Example Quotes)
I’m really conscious of the amount of food I eat, but I don’t deny myself anything. For example, I have a really big sweet tooth. At the end of the night, if I’m craving ice cream, I might not have the bowl that I would have when I was a kid, but I’ll put a couple of scoops in a coffee mug, and I’ll eat it slowly, and I enjoy every moment of it (Example Quotes)
I lead by example. My kids know what sweat is. They’ve seen me come home from so many runs and asked, ‘What’s on your skin? How did you get it?’ And I tell them, ‘It’s from exercise!’ So now my son will come home from a bike ride, take off his helmet and say, ‘Look, Mom. I’m sweating! I just worked out!’ (Example Quotes)
That this subject [of imaginary magnitudes] has hitherto been considered from the wrong point of view and surrounded by a mysterious obscurity, is to be attributed largely to an ill-adapted notation. If, for example, 1, -1, and the square root of -1 had been called direct, inverse and lateral units, instead of positive, negative and imaginary (or even impossible), such an obscurity would have been out of the question (Example Quotes)
We must continually remind students in the classroom that expression of different opinions and dissenting ideas affirms the intellectual process. We should forcefully explain that our role is not to teach them to think as we do but rather to teach them, by example, the importance of taking a stance that is rooted in rigorous engagement with the full range of ideas about a topic (Example Quotes)