Example Quotes

Text Quotes
Traits acquired during one’s lifetime - muscles built up in the gym, for example - cannot be passed on to the next generation. Now with technology, as it happens, we might indeed be able to transfer some of our acquired traits on to our selected offspring by genetic engineering. (Example Quotes)
Convention speeches are powerful tools to bend the curve of public opinion. George H. W. Bush’s 1988 convention speech is a great example. His son’s speech was also quite powerful. (Example Quotes)
I feel that by getting rich in the way I did, I think my own example has hurt my own country (Example Quotes)
I think a lot of people are getting more serious about how to do the most good, but there is no road map. I’m hoping I can offer an example. (Example Quotes)
I just think that the Victoria’s Secret girl values herself by the way she looks. And that might be linked with being healthy, but that’s all it is, and it sets a negative example to other people. (Example Quotes)
For God’s sake, don’t let her watch Cinderella. What kind of example is that? A mindless twit who can’t even remember where she left her damn shoe, so she has to wait for some douchebag in tights to bring it to her? Give me a frigging break! (Example Quotes)
One thing I’ve been thinking about is taking the social issues out of national politics. For example, if Georgia wanted abortion and Alabama didn’t, that’s going to be up to the people in Georgia. I can’t sway them. Would I give them advice not to? Absolutely. Would I say it’s wrong? Yes. (Example Quotes)
Because America leads the world by example, it’s no surprise that some might seek to imitate our domestic rules and regulations on a global scale. (Example Quotes)
If God has given you the world’s goods in abundance, it is to help you gain those of Heaven and to be a good example of sound teaching to your sons, servants, and relatives. (Example Quotes)
My prayer for you is that you may grow in the likeness of Christ, being real carriers of God’s love and that you really bring his presence, first, into your own family, then, to the next door neighbor, the street you we live in, the town we live in, the country we live, then only, in the whole world, that living example of God’s presence. (Example Quotes)
Characters written in 1990 would be acting like idiots if they were cast into the present. For example, the reader might wonder: Why isn’t she texting? Where’s her cellphone? Can’t she have a simple paternity test? For God’s sake, look on the Internet and check him out! (Example Quotes)
Every job has its downside. For example, being in a band; the travel part of it - getting picked up from your house in a car, going to the airport, getting on a plane, going from the airplane to a van, then going from the van to a hotel. (Example Quotes)
It’s not that I have compromised or anything, but it’s always been important to me to take good care of myself and be a good example. I’m not much a role model in terms of hair care, though. (Example Quotes)
My dream is to own a Hockney - I’m a Yorkshireman, and his vibrant colours are a good example of how the north-country people are vibrant and colourful. (Example Quotes)
Wayne McGregor’s ‘Dyad 1929’ is a good example of this capable British choreographer’s work. (Example Quotes)
Today, lawyers are attacking more; they’re attacking everything. A good example is the O.J. Simpson case. (Example Quotes)
I want to be a good example for my son. That’s the best way to parent - to be the example of what you want to see in them. That’s definitely how my parents parented and how my grandparents parented. And it works. (Example Quotes)
What inspires me is my daughter because I want to set a good example for her, as does my wife (Example Quotes)
There’s nothing more fierce than the female, like the momma lion. Believe me, my wife is a good example. (Example Quotes)
I think Mariska Hargitay on ‘Law and Order: SVU’ is a really good example of a female lead I’d like to emulate. (Example Quotes)
Growing up, Magic Johnson was my idol. He was a good example. He could always pass the ball extremely well and get his teammates involved. (Example Quotes)
Work hard and meticulously. When in trouble, look closely at a text that is a good example of what you’re trying to do. And be patient. (Example Quotes)
You can remain friends, even without EU membership. The Prüm Convention, according to which data for combatting crime is exchanged, is a good example of international cooperation. (Example Quotes)
Atlanta’s a good example of a city that’s quite sprawling, where there’s a sharp division between where blacks and whites live, between where low-income and high-income families live. (Example Quotes)
Exactly what are you wanting to teach your children? -How to love and care for themselves, or how to neglect and abandon themselves? Self-sarifice is NOT setting a good example. (Example Quotes)
I’m a perfect example of the grumpy, old man. I’m really good at it. (Example Quotes)
Young children need to develop good habits that will be useful to them the rest of their lives. It is important to keep the lessons age-appropriate. For example, when your children start earning allowances, that would be a good time to teach them how to put some money in the bank instead of spending it all. (Example Quotes)
The best way to come to terms with anything that is out of harmony is never to fear it - that gives it power. Bring good influences to bear upon it; make yourself a good example. (Example Quotes)
Leadership does not mean being bossy, always telling others what to do. No, leadership means going ahead, not putting others in the front. Good leaders lead by example, not by decree. (Example Quotes)
Today, more than ever, citizens demand with good reason that moral and ethical principles be upheld and that exemplariness preside over our public life. And the king, as the head of state, must not only be an example but also a servant to that just and legitimate demand of the citizens. (Example Quotes)