Excellent Quotes

Text Quotes
I shall clasp my hands together and bow to the corners of the world. May your villages remain ignorant of tax collectors, and may your sons be many and ugly and strong and willing workers, and may your daughters be few and beautiful and excellent providers of love gifts from eminent families that live very far away, and may your lives be blessed by the beauty that has touched mine. Farewell (Excellent Quotes)
I started young but at every turn, listening provided a foundation for my leadership. I can say categorically that all the really excellent leaders I have known were, in my view, excellent listeners (Excellent Quotes)
I’m a musician. I play harmonica for relaxation. A good way to relax and entertain people. An excellent way to have fun (Excellent Quotes)
A well arranged scrapbook, filled with choice selections, is a most excellent companion for anyone who has the least literary taste (Excellent Quotes)
When you see something that’s so excellent it can be intimidating to walk into it no matter how many people you know (Excellent Quotes)
I eat excellent bread, clean meat, good crisp veggies, organic fruits and nice wine and cheese. It is one of the things I am truly grateful for. I’m not kidding. You can’t ask a single mother of three working two jobs for minimum wage to eat that way. I am lucky (Excellent Quotes)
Music is just a really fun hobby that I do, because I’m actually really good about writing songs and producing. People don’t realize this, but I am an excellent writer for artists (Excellent Quotes)
I know electric knives are excellent for carving turkeys that have had their bones removed and been forced into a mold to shape them. Please note that those turkeys are called hams (Excellent Quotes)
Mindfulness is being aware of yourself, others, and your surroundings in the moment. When consciously and kindly focusing awareness on life as it unfolds minute by precious minute, you are better able to savor each experience. Also, being closely attentive gives you the opportunity to change unwise or painful feelings and responses quickly. In fact, being truly present in a mindful way is an excellent stress reducer and, because of that, can be seen as consciousness conditioning, a strengthening workout for body, mind, heart, and spirit (Excellent Quotes)
Every time you feel miserable, there is present an excellent opportunity to make a big step forward (Excellent Quotes)
In my opinion painting should be considered excellent in proportion as it approaches the effect of relief, while relief should be considered bad in proportion as it approaches the effect of painting (Excellent Quotes)
I agree that two and two make four is an excellent thing; but to give everything its due, two and two make five is also a very fine thing (Excellent Quotes)
I do not see in what manner practice alone can be sufficient for the production of correct, excellent, and finished pictures. Works deserving this character never were produced, nor ever will arise, from memory alone (Excellent Quotes)
Inspiration demands the active cooperation of the intellect joined with enthusiasm, and it is under such conditions that marvelous conceptions, with all that is excellent and divine, come into being (Excellent Quotes)
The perfection of an art consists in the employment of a comprehensive system of laws, commensurate to every purpose within its scope, but concealed from the eye of the spectator; and in the production of effects that seem to flow forth spontaneously, as though uncontrolled by their influence, and which are equally excellent, whether regarded individually, or in reference to the proposed result (Excellent Quotes)
It’s an ongoing process of reinterpreting the strike zone in accordance to the rulebook. The umpires, I think, are doing an excellent job of bringing the outside pitch in closer to the plate. But I still think we have a lot of work to do with the low end of the strike zone (Excellent Quotes)
In a civilized and cultivated country wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmen. the excellent people who protest against all hunting, and consider sportsmen as enemies of wild life, are ignorant of the fact that in reality the genuine sportsman is by all odds the most important factor in keeping the larger and more valuable wild creatures from total extermination (Excellent Quotes)
The librarian of today, and it will be true still more of the librarians of tomorrow, are not fiery dragons interposed between the people and the books. They are useful public servants, who manage libraries in the interest of the public... Many still think that a great reader, or a writer of books, will make an excellent librarian. This is pure fallacy (Excellent Quotes)
I think that there are excellent and poor thinking habits just as there are healthy and unhealthy eating habits; and when a man really knows how to think, you cannot necessarily assert that he thinks too much in a strictly negative connotation. Perhaps this is in a sense food for thought, whereas the other is fool for thought (Excellent Quotes)
I’m pretty good at putting up drywall and I’m an excellent kisser. That’s pretty much all of my skills right there (Excellent Quotes)
There is an excellent way to make predictions without the slightest risk of error: predict the past (Excellent Quotes)
Learning that you have stamina is an excellent thing to know. If a project fails, I know I can pick myself up (Excellent Quotes)
Women can also be creative in total isolation. I know excellent women artists who do original work without any response to speak of. Maybe they are used to lack of feedback. Maybe they are tougher (Excellent Quotes)
When a mother takes pictures of her children on the beach, she doesn’t take herself for an artist; she does it for love, which is an excellent reason, from my point of view (Excellent Quotes)
I believe in excellence. It is a basic need of every human soul. All of us can be excellent, because, fortunately, we are exceedingly diverse in our ambitions and talents (Excellent Quotes)
Enlightenment is a timeless void. It’s an emptiness that’s filled with the most excellent light (Excellent Quotes)
I know that it is likely that as worship of the gods declines, faith between men and all human society will disappear, as well as that most excellent of all virtues, which is justice (Excellent Quotes)
Our existing thinking habits are excellent, just as the rear wheels of a motor car are excellent, but not enough (Excellent Quotes)
Plants seem like an excellent model for the kind of future that we should be building (Excellent Quotes)
Excellent anthology... a celebration of our goodness and our potential for growth. The sense of celebration is stretched by the beautiful photographs (Excellent Quotes)