Exception Quotes

Text Quotes
The Court made an exception, however, in the case of candidates contributing to their own campaigns because of the rather reasonable presumption that a candidate is incapable of corrupting himself (Exception Quotes)
I have made all my films for my children with the exception of my first film because my oldest daughter wasn’t born when I was making the film about the Brooklyn Bridge (Exception Quotes)
Most Sundays, with the exception of football Sundays, I work, because I don’t take days off as long as I’m working on something that’s supposed to be all in the same mood (Exception Quotes)
Whenever we have thanked these men and women for what they have done for us, without exception they have expressed gratitude for having the chance to help - because they grew as they served (Exception Quotes)
With the exception of lingerie and theater I’m interested in everything to do with clothes and perfumes: everything which is an extension of woman (Exception Quotes)
Military missions cannot be a normal tool of politics, but instead must remain the great exception (Exception Quotes)
As humans, we get filled with jealousy, at times, and rage, and I am no exception. I can get incredibly angry, to the point that I get ashamed of my actions (Exception Quotes)
Presidents and Lyndon Johnson was really no exception, very rapidly learned the difference between a contingency plan and an authorized act (Exception Quotes)
What he [Bernie Sanders] does next will really determine whether he is blazing a trail that others can follow into office, or whether he is an exception to the rule (Exception Quotes)
As we all know, poets are born brain-wired a certain way and every poet I know wrote as a child. I’m no exception (Exception Quotes)
There will always that one person in your life who is an exception to all your rules no matter what they do (Exception Quotes)
Writing is the hardest way of earning a living, with the possible exception of wrestling alligators (Exception Quotes)
I went into the family business. To me, it was the norm and not the exception (Exception Quotes)
After 1945 what happened was rather the opposite: with one major exception boundaries stayed broadly intact and people were moved instead (Exception Quotes)
My last public performance for money was in 1967. For free, it was 1972, with the exception of two little one-shot, one-song things. But thats just for friends, out of friendship for the people involved, and also because it was fun (Exception Quotes)
Mathematics may be the only exception in the sciences that leaves no room for skepicism. But, if mathematical results are exact as no empirical law can ever be, philosophers have discovered that they are not absolutely novel - instead, they are tautological (Exception Quotes)
All political parties, organizations, and all people should abide by the constitution and laws without any exception. They must all act in accordance with the constitution and laws. I see that as a defining feature of modern political system development (Exception Quotes)
Local television shows do not, in general, supply make-up artists. The exception to this is Los Angeles, an unusually generous city in this regard, since they also provide this service for radio appearances (Exception Quotes)
If a hiker gets lost in the mountains, people will coordinate a search. If a train crashes, people will line up to give blood. If an earthquake levels a city, people all over the world will send emergency supplies. This is so fundamentally human that it’s found in every culture without exception. Yes, there are assholes who just don’t care, but they’re massively outnumbered by the people who do (Exception Quotes)
I grew up in a completely bookless household. It was my father’s boast that he had never read a book from end to end. I don’t remember any of his ladies being bookish. So I was entirely dependent on my schoolteachers for my early reading with the exception of The Wind in the Willows, which a stepmother read to me when I was in hospital (Exception Quotes)
In my age group I don’t know a single woman who is as successful as I am. I am the total exception. You can be very proud of it. But you are also very isolated (Exception Quotes)
The great exception to that, of course, is Johnny Depp, who is absolutely the ultimate character actor. Johnny Depp is the future of the character actor and thanks to his success maybe we will see the return of an era when my sort of actor is back in vogue. It’s not in vogue for me to be in Hollywood movies as lots of different people (Exception Quotes)
The great thing about space films generally, with the exception of Apollo 13, is that big stars tend not to work in space and I think that’s because space is an equaliser. It makes everyone the same really and suits an ensemble cast and actors who are prepared to work with each other (Exception Quotes)
As technology changes the way we communicate, connect, create, consume and innovate, it is democratizing access to opportunity. Education is no exception (Exception Quotes)
I always liked Barbara Howar and admired her spunk. I know that she considered me - and Alice Roosevelt Longworth - an exception to her negative feelings about Washington widows and single women, whom she basically found dispensable. (Exception Quotes)
There are very few men of genius in advertising agencies. But we need all we can find. Almost without exception they are disagreeable. Don’t destroy them. They lay golden eggs. (Exception Quotes)
All Americans should be exempt from the atrocities of Obamacare - no exception (Exception Quotes)
With one terrible exception, the Civil War, law and the Constitution have kept America whole and free. (Exception Quotes)
Dream Act’ kids are like all other American kids, with the exception that they have to work harder to excel in school, they live in fear of deportation, and they worry about their future. (Exception Quotes)
I’m not perfect and I know it. I’ve done all sorts of things that are frowned upon these days - big-game hunting, fishing. I still enjoy fishing but I don’t kill warm-blooded animals any more - I make an exception with birds sometimes. (Exception Quotes)