Executive Quotes

Text Quotes
We can’t really have a serious debate about reform on immigration if we don’t have operational control of the border... With the executive order out there, with the urgency of the threat, I think it’s very likely that we’ll get something passed, later this year (Executive Quotes)
To be worthy of the name, an experimenter must be at once theorist and practitioner. While he must completely master the art of establishing experimental facts, which are the materials of science, he must also clearly understand the scientific principles which guide his reasoning through the varied experimental study of natural phenomena. We cannot separate these two things: head and hand. An able hand, without a head to direct it, is a blind tool; the head is powerless without its executive hand (Executive Quotes)
... every time someone dies as a result of floods in Bangladesh, an airline executive should be dragged out of his office and drowned (Executive Quotes)
I’d still say that visiting the stores and listening to our folks was one of the most valuable uses of my time as an executive. But really, our best ideas usually do come from the folks in the stores. Period (Executive Quotes)
The minority has discovered a powerful help in influencing majorities. It has been found possible so to mold the mind of the masses that they will throw their newly gained strength in the desired direction. In the present structure of society, this practice is inevitable. Whatever of social importance is done today, whether in politics, finance, manufacture, agriculture, charity, education, or other fields, must be done with the help of propaganda. Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government (Executive Quotes)
So that the executive and legislative branches of the national government depend upon, and emanate from the states. Every where the state sovereignties are represented; and the national sovereignty, as such, has no representation (Executive Quotes)
I have gone through a long apprenticeship. I have gone through enough of being a nobody. I have decided that when I am a star, I will be every inch and every moment the star! Everybody from the studio gateman to the highest executive will know it (Executive Quotes)
The one conclusion I have reached is that whiskey is a great leveler. You might be a hotshot advertising executive or a lowly foundry worker, but if you cannot hold your drink, you are just a drunkard (Executive Quotes)
I tread in the footsteps of illustrious men, whose superiors it is our happiness to believe are not found on the executive calendar of any country (Executive Quotes)
I learned I’m not a good executive. I’m an entrepreneur, and I’m creative. I have to go with my gut and do what I want to do (Executive Quotes)
I’ve come to realize that being a mother makes me a better executive, because motherhood forces prioritization. Being a mom gives you so much more clarity on what is important (Executive Quotes)
The people are the best guardians of their own rights and it is the duty of their executive to abstain from interfering in or thwarting the sacred exercise of the lawmaking functions of their government (Executive Quotes)
If you are a middle manager avid to begin a quality initiative in a company ruled by an executive from the old school, look elsewhere for a job (Executive Quotes)
Any company executive who overcharges the government more than $5 million will be fined $50 or have to go to traffic school three nights a week (Executive Quotes)
The key reason executives are paid so much now is that they appoint the members of the corporate board that determines their compensation and control many of the perks that board members count on. So it’s not the invisible hand of the market that leads to those monumental executive incomes; it’s the invisible handshake in the boardroom (Executive Quotes)
The fine art of executive decision consists in not deciding questions that are not now pertinent, in not deciding prematurely, in not making decisions that cannot be made effective, and in not making decisions that others should make (Executive Quotes)
My feeling about executive bonuses is that any candidate for a chief executive job who even raises the issue of bonuses should be dismissed out of hand (Executive Quotes)
If I wanted to know what a certain future would feel like to me, I would find someone who is already living that future. If I wonder what it’s like to become a lawyer or marry a busy executive or eat at a particular restaurant, my best bet is to find people who have actually done these things and see how happy they are (Executive Quotes)
Tried to find me an executive position, but no matter how smooth I talked they wouldn’t listen to the fact that I was a genius (Executive Quotes)
In business, there’s a constant focus on developing strategies, reviewing executive performance against those strategies each year, engaging with opposing or different points of view, and having intellectual dialogue (Executive Quotes)
So when it was my turn to start developing projects, I knew the writers I wanted to work with, and I had met every head of studio, every executive and a lot of producers. I started finding things, little crumbs off other people’s tables that I would make my own (Executive Quotes)
My own experience, though, as a business executive and as a governor, tells me that businesses are interested in a lot more than a low tax rate when they decide where to locate (Executive Quotes)
I came to understand that the words executive and corporate never belong next to the word chef (Executive Quotes)
Government is not infallible. Government is only an executive control, a centralized authority for the purpose of expressing the will of the people; before you have a government you must have the people. Without the people there can be no government. The government must be, therefore, an expression of the will of the people (Executive Quotes)
I don’t want to be a great chief executive without being a great mum and a great wife (Executive Quotes)
If I can impact an executive and his or her team, I can help to change the culture of an organization (Executive Quotes)
You don’t just give the executive branch unlimited resources, unlimited power. Our founders were very concerned about too much power being invested in any one, in any branch. The balance of power is fundamental to our system (Executive Quotes)
A good executive is one who makes people contentedly settle for less than they meant to get, in return for more than they meant to give (Executive Quotes)
The president began this program by executive order. He should immediately end it by executive order. For over a year now, he has said the program is illegal, and yet he does nothing (Executive Quotes)
American businesses are looking for are certainty and executive orders don’t really get them that (Executive Quotes)