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To admit ignorance is to exhibit wisdom  (Exhibit Quotes) I am happy to exhibit, but not to put myself on exhibition  (Exhibit Quotes) When you are required to exhibit strength, it comes  (Exhibit Quotes) The elements, if arranged according to their atomic weights, exhibit an apparent periodicity of properties  (Exhibit Quotes) Nobody expects you to exhibit godlike strength, excepting maybe yourself  (Exhibit Quotes) Adversity gives you the opportunity to exhibit godly character  (Exhibit Quotes) Animals manifestly enjoy excitement, and suffer from annul and may exhibit curiosity  (Exhibit Quotes) There is no greater pleasure for me than to practice and exhibit my art  (Exhibit Quotes) Children are marvelously and intuitively correct physiognomists. The youngest of them exhibit this trait  (Exhibit Quotes) To exhibit the perfect uselessness of knowing the answer to the wrong question  (Exhibit Quotes) I have always dreamed of bringing an exhibit of Mark Rothko to Moscow  (Exhibit Quotes) The fact that you are willing to say, "I do not understand, and it is fine," is the greatest understanding you could exhibit  (Exhibit Quotes) It is a besetting vice of democracies to substitute public opinion for law. This is the usual form in which masses of men exhibit their tyranny  (Exhibit Quotes) I venerate the man whose heart is warm, whose hands are pure, whose doctrine and whose life, coincident, exhibit lucid proof that he is honest in the sacred cause  (Exhibit Quotes) How easy it is for generous sentiments, high courtesy, and chivalrous courage to lose their influence beneath the chilling blight of selfishness, and to exhibit to the world a man who was great in all the minor attributes of character, but who was found wanting when it became necessary to prove how much principle is superior to policy  (Exhibit Quotes) Biennial culture is already almost irrelevant, because so many more people are providing so many better opportunities for artists to exhibit their work  (Exhibit Quotes) Galleries began growing in both number and size in the late seventies, when artists who worked in lofts wanted to exhibit their work in spaces similar to the ones the art was made in  (Exhibit Quotes) A close family member once offered his opinion that I exhibit the phone manners of a goat, then promptly withdrew the charge - out of fairness to goats  (Exhibit Quotes) The law protects you from being abused. It doesn’t threaten your lifestyle for someone else to have the right to exhibit their lifestyle  (Exhibit Quotes) If we are genuinely committed to promoting a culture of peace, as individuals we must look to our values and ensure that we all exhibit a peace loving life to our nation’s children  (Exhibit Quotes) I then endeavoured to show that it is more especially in the thorough conformity with law which natural phenomena and natural products exhibit, and in the comparative ease with which laws can be stated, that this difference exists  (Exhibit Quotes) In the history of education, the most striking phenomenon is that schools of learning, which at one epoch are alive with a ferment of genius, in a succeeding generation exhibit merely pedantry and routine  (Exhibit Quotes) When comparing human memory and computer memory it is clear that the human version has two distinct disadvantages. Firstly, as indeed I have experienced myself, due to aging, human memory can exhibit very poor short term recall  (Exhibit Quotes) Good manners have much to do with the emotions. To make them ring true, one must feel them, not merely exhibit them  (Exhibit Quotes) My philosophy is that I’m an artist. I perform an art not with a paint brush or a camera. I perform with bodily movement. Instead of exhibiting my art in a museum or a book or on canvas, I exhibit my art in front of the multitudes  (Exhibit Quotes) Whatever you would have your children become, strive to exhibit in your own lives and conversation  (Exhibit Quotes) All people have three characters, that which they exhibit, that which they have, and that which they think they have  (Exhibit Quotes) You don’t always have to show art in what’s called a white box; you can have a kind of complexity within an exhibit which actually respects the art as well  (Exhibit Quotes) What worries me is that we are increasingly enmeshed in incompetent systems, that is, systems that exhibit pathological behaviour but can’t fix themselves  (Exhibit Quotes) I’ve made my life’s work spotting assholes. And you know, I think it’s harder now than ever before because there’s so many socially acceptable ways to exhibit a pathological lack of empathy  (Exhibit Quotes)
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