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Though nature is constantly beautiful, she does not exhibit her highest powers of beauty constantly, for then they would satiate us and pall upon our senses. It is necessary to their appreciation that they should be rarely shown. Her finest touches are things which must be watched for; her most perfect passages of beauty are the most evanescent  (Exhibit Quotes) Nature has many scenes to exhibit, and constantly draws a curtain over this part or that. She is constantly repainting the landscape and all surfaces, dressing up some scene for our entertainment. Lately we had a leafy wilderness; now bare twigs begin to prevail, and soon she will surprise us with a mantle of snow. Some green she thinks so good for our eyes that, like blue, she never banishes it entirely from our eyes, but has created evergreens  (Exhibit Quotes) In like manner, if I let myself believe anything on insufficient evidence, there may be no great harm done by the mere belief; it may be true after all, or I may never have occasion to exhibit it in outward acts  (Exhibit Quotes) To remove this obstacle I repeat or refer to such knowledge as has come under my notice, my own previously expressed views, and also describe and exhibit my last experiments and explain their novelty and utility  (Exhibit Quotes) Every contrition for sin is apt to encourage a not quite charitable wish that other people should exhibit a similar contrition  (Exhibit Quotes) Everyone has three characters, that which they exhibit, that which they have, and that which they think they have  (Exhibit Quotes) All really great pictures exhibit the general habits of nature, manifested in some peculiar, rare, and beautiful way  (Exhibit Quotes) The fair way of conducting a dispute is to exhibit, one by one, the arguments of your opponent, and, with each argument, the precise and specific answer you are able to make to it  (Exhibit Quotes) O, I see that life cannot exhibit all to me, as day cannot, I see that I am to wait for what will be exhibited by death  (Exhibit Quotes) A naked woman is less dangerous than one who spreads her skirt skillfully to cover and exhibit everything at once  (Exhibit Quotes) When will conventional good manners become attractive? When will ladies of fashion exhibit their shoulders a little less and their affability and wit a little more?  (Exhibit Quotes) The mathematical sciences particularly exhibit order, symmetry, and limitation; and these are the greatest forms of the beautiful  (Exhibit Quotes) White men should exhibit the same insensibility to moral tortures that red men do to physical torments  (Exhibit Quotes) Catholic school graduates exhibit a wide variety of qualities that will not only help them in their careers but also in their family and community lives  (Exhibit Quotes) Evolution is a process that never stops. Baboons who fail to exhibit moral behavior do not survive; they wind up as meat for leopards  (Exhibit Quotes) Literary confessors are contemptible, like beggars who exhibit their sores for money, but not so contemptible as the public that buys their books  (Exhibit Quotes) Luck, if there is such a thing, is either going to favor everyone equally or going to exhibit a preference for the prepared  (Exhibit Quotes) To be specific, is to exhibit a knowledge of the principles and art of adjusting; a comprehension of facts so systematized that they are available for the relief of disease  (Exhibit Quotes) Since my induction into the Sports Hall of Fame, I have wanted to have my No. 3 Chevy on exhibit for sports fans to see. I hope others will enjoy the car as much as I have  (Exhibit Quotes) An artist has every right - one may even say a duty - to exhibit his productions as prominently as he can  (Exhibit Quotes) Because sloths’ metabolisms are so slow, they don’t exhibit many external signs of stress and it can be hard to determine their mood  (Exhibit Quotes) You might be a redneck if your pocketknife has ever been referred to as Exhibit A  (Exhibit Quotes) Every creative person can draft into service those around them who exhibit the right mixture of intelligence, insight, and grace  (Exhibit Quotes) I love Francis Bacon. I just saw a great Jackson Pollock exhibit at the Dallas Museum when I was home for Thanksgiving  (Exhibit Quotes) But amid much elegance and precision, the details of life and the Universe also exhibit haphazard, jury-rigged arrangements and much poor planning. What shall we make of this: an edifice abandoned early in construction by the architect?  (Exhibit Quotes) I have a very healthy growth of both head and facial hair. People always want to attribute further superhuman powers to me. It’s funny the way the audience really seems to want me, Nick the actor, to exhibit the same machismo as Ron Swanson  (Exhibit Quotes) The Smithsonian should box and preserve Tim McGraw’s Nashville den for a future exhibit entitled ‘Early 21st Century American Man Cave.’  (Exhibit Quotes) I once walked through an exhibit in a large American museum that displayed First Nations artifacts in old dioramas, with mannequins that hadn’t been changed since the 19th century.  (Exhibit Quotes) For kids like me, being called childish can be a frequent occurrence. Every time we make irrational demands, exhibit irresponsible behavior, or display any other signs of being normal American citizens, we are called childish.  (Exhibit Quotes) Judge candidly what a wretched figure the American empire will exhibit in the eye of other nations, without a power to array and support a military force for its own protection.  (Exhibit Quotes)
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