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I probably worked every single entertainment medium, including some that don’t exist. I worked the circus, carnival, I had my own medicine show, I worked 18 years of radio  (Exist Quotes) Prejudices and preferences exist and will continue to. When you learn how to market yourself, you become less of a victim  (Exist Quotes) I like being 35, I like having a bit of money to spend on music and useless gadgets. The net is providing new ways to communicate and cooperate that just didn’t exist in the 80s  (Exist Quotes) We have not even sworn off. Instead, the problem has been removed. It does not exist for us  (Exist Quotes) If one is satisfied with things, one doesn’t complain about the downsides that exist, either  (Exist Quotes) At a certain point I realized that the I doesn’t exist. So I said to myself: If the I doesn’t exist, I have to construct one, or maybe even more than one  (Exist Quotes) If an interaction is too weak to be detectable or to exert influence in any way, then by any operational definition, it doesn’t exist  (Exist Quotes) I believe in fairies. Although I can’t prove they exist, nobody has ever managed to prove to me that they don’t  (Exist Quotes) Many heroic actions and chivalrous adventures are related of me which exist only in the regions of fancy. With me the world has taken great liberties, and yet I have been but a common man  (Exist Quotes) We need only think of the number of talented men who sooner or later make their apologies and concessions to philistinism, so as to be permitted to exist  (Exist Quotes) It seems a little paradoxical to construct a configuration space with the coordinates of points which do not exist  (Exist Quotes) All who have ever written on government are unanimous, that among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist  (Exist Quotes) People’s beliefs don’t exist in isolation. Everyone’s firmly held beliefs exert an enormous pressure on everyone else  (Exist Quotes) Of course, we’re there because of weapons of mass destruction that do not exist  (Exist Quotes) My weaknesses have spoiled my existence, but it is thanks to them that I exist, that I imagine I exist  (Exist Quotes) Knowledge must be so absorbed into the mind that it ceases to exist in a separate, objective way... In 1797 the secret of the effectiveness of resisting to the last had not yet been discovered  (Exist Quotes) A certain amount of distrust is wholesome, but not so much of others as of ourselves; neither vanity nor conceit can exist in the same atmosphere with it  (Exist Quotes) Yes, and how many years can a mountain exist before it is washed to the sea?  (Exist Quotes) For years I gave the press really ugly pictures of myself which would make me cringe... and I didn’t exist!... they can’t market you, so you don’t appear to the public, so you don’t have a voice  (Exist Quotes) In the real world, mice do exist and they generally go about their business whether we see them or not  (Exist Quotes) We must learn to exist in a consumer empire but not forfeit our souls at its altar  (Exist Quotes) I don’t know if I’m making myself clear, but if I were to accept this business of conceptual art I would have no reason to exist  (Exist Quotes) Two people may be at the same spot in manners and behaviour, and yet one may be getting better, and the other worse, which is the greatest of differences that could possibly exist between them  (Exist Quotes) There does not now, nor will there ever exist, a programming language in which it is the least bit hard to write bad programs  (Exist Quotes) Stress is something that we are not always conscious of; it can exist on a cellular level and hide, masked by our ingrained insensitivity  (Exist Quotes) There is no royal path to good writing; and such paths as do exist do not lead through neat critical gardens, various as they are, but through the jungles of self, the world, and of craft  (Exist Quotes) A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury  (Exist Quotes) Civilization could not exist until there was written language, because without written language no generation could bequeath to succeeding generations anything but its simpler findings  (Exist Quotes) Security, the chief pretence of civilization, cannot exist where the worst of dangers, the danger of poverty, hangs over everyone’s head  (Exist Quotes) The glory of surgeons is like that of actors, who exist only in their lifetime and whose talent is no longer appreciable once they have disappeared  (Exist Quotes)
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