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These last few years we’ve seen an unacceptable abuse of power, having a president whose priority is expanding his own power.  (Expanding Quotes) The genius keeps all his days the vividness and intensity of interest that a sensitive child feels in his expanding world.  (Expanding Quotes) Without a clear picture of where the military’s covert forces are operating and what they are doing, Americans may not even recognize the consequences of and blowback from our expanding secret wars as they wash over the world.  (Expanding Quotes) The world’s waistlines are expanding, but it’s an epidemic of a larger issue in terms of our bounty having become our burden.  (Expanding Quotes) It is impossible to be among the woods animals on their own ground without a feeling of expanding one’s own world, as when any foreign country is visited.  (Expanding Quotes) Had my first son this morning... well, actually, my wife had him. I just caught him. Wo. Heart expanding way faster than my brain... If you could bottle up and distribute this feeling, I swear there’d be no more war.  (Expanding Quotes) I think one’s musical life should be free and open to new experience in order to keep expanding your mind and horizons.  (Expanding Quotes) Plunderous is the palate I gift to you, openly I hug the universe of our friendship expanding its outer limit.  (Expanding Quotes) Expanding your notion of fun beyond a two-week vacation in Maui increases the chances you’ll have more of it.  (Expanding Quotes) The great paradox of the civil rights revolution is that instead of enforcing and expanding equality before the law, the revolution created differential rights based on race, gender and, any day now, sexual orientation. The great liberal revolution, centuries in the making, that brought forth equality in law has been overthrown. In its place we see rising a new feudal legal order of status-based rights.  (Expanding Quotes) I’m really proud of all the stuff we’ve built with Green Lantern - from Larfleeze to the different corps. The universe has expanded and will live well past my run. It was more than just telling another story, but really giving back to the character by expanding and adding to their mythology.  (Expanding Quotes) Once a bureau is created, its staff becomes a tenacious political interest group, well placed to defend its budget and to make a case for expanding its activities.  (Expanding Quotes) Twitter is growing up, expanding into other countries, and recognizing that the Internet is contrary to what people hoped; the government does reach into the Internet.  (Expanding Quotes) Dynamic, rapidly expanding European monarchy seeks a can-do visionary to head up its South American divisions.Our ideal candidate will have at least five years’ experience in New World colonization and be willing to accept shift work. Fluency in Spanish an asset.Some travel involved  (Expanding Quotes)
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