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Expect Quotes

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Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed  (Expect Quotes) Always hope but never expect  (Expect Quotes) Every time you do something that is important, write down what you expect will happen  (Expect Quotes) I expect art to make me scream, art to reveal soul  (Expect Quotes) We should expect the best and the worst from mankind as from the weather  (Expect Quotes) Expect the best, not the worst, and you will attain your heart’s desire  (Expect Quotes) Expect the best and get it  (Expect Quotes) Dont expect your enemies to ever love you, or even like you, only respect you  (Expect Quotes) I expect perfection from myself  (Expect Quotes) You have to learn to work and search, not expect instantly to find  (Expect Quotes) When the time comes, we can only expect that we have learned enough to succeed  (Expect Quotes) Do not expect too much of the end of the world  (Expect Quotes) You must expect failure after failure after failure before you succeed  (Expect Quotes) What do we expect from criticism? People appear to want it, but why?  (Expect Quotes) The evil you do to others you may expect in return  (Expect Quotes) From the moment we expect gratitude, we forfeit it  (Expect Quotes) Most things worth having require some sacrifice, usually more than you expect  (Expect Quotes) Do not expect to receive the love from someone else you do not give yourself  (Expect Quotes) Go ahead and voice your criticisms, but don’t expect to be invited back  (Expect Quotes) All history and art are against us, but we still expect happiness in love  (Expect Quotes) Inconsistency has been overpraised by people who do not expect to suffer from it  (Expect Quotes) ... in this valley of tears we must expect much sorrow and little consolation  (Expect Quotes) No expectations. Ask nothing, expect nothing and accept everything, and life is very well  (Expect Quotes) When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads  (Expect Quotes) I want people to be blown away when I do what they don’t expect  (Expect Quotes) Talk about yourself as much as you like, but do not expect others to listen  (Expect Quotes) Philosophers are very severe towards other philosophers because they expect too much  (Expect Quotes) What we anticipate seldom occurs: but what we least expect generally happens  (Expect Quotes) If you expect nothing, you’re apt to be surprised. You’ll get it  (Expect Quotes) We are not to expect to be translated from despotism to liberty in a featherbed  (Expect Quotes)
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