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Expect Quotes

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To expect truth to come from thinking signifies that we mistake the need to think with the urge to know  (Expect Quotes) What else can you expect from a town that's shut off from the world by the ocean on one side and New Jersey on the other?  (Expect Quotes) For, even the preachers have begun to tell us that God is radium, or ether or some scientific compound, and that the worst we wicked ones may expect is a chemical reaction  (Expect Quotes) How would you expect to find community while you intentionally withdraw from it at some point? The disobedient cannot believe; only the obedient believe  (Expect Quotes) When we do not expect anything we can be ourselves. That is our way, to live fully in each moment of time  (Expect Quotes) In human life there is constant change of fortune; and it is unreasonable to expect an exemption from the common fate. Life itself decays, and all things are daily changing  (Expect Quotes) There is a kind of physiognomy in the titles of books no less than in the faces of men, by which a skillful observer will as well know what to expect from the one as the other  (Expect Quotes) By circumstance and perhaps also by inclination, I think in complete intellectual isolation. To expect others to help me think seems to me almost like expecting them to help me digest my food  (Expect Quotes) Anyone who proposes to do good must not expect people to roll stones out of his way, but must accept his lot calmly, even if they roll a few stones upon it  (Expect Quotes) Anyone who proposes to do good must not expect people to roll stones out of their way, but must accept their lot calmly, even if people roll a few stones upon it  (Expect Quotes) I do not in the least underestimate bisexuality... I expect it to provide all further enlightenment  (Expect Quotes) No one who, like me, conjures up the most evil of those half tamed demons that inhabit the human beast, and seeks to wrestle with them, can expect to come through the struggle unscathed  (Expect Quotes) For most of my life, I've felt that there must be more to our existence than meets the eye. This is who I am, and you can't expect me to be someone I'm not  (Expect Quotes) When people meet me, many times they're very surprised because they expect someone who is kind of wacky with seven piercings and very hip and cool and New York City, and I'm not  (Expect Quotes) Truth is accuracy. Without accuracy, you can't expect to manifest large, specific changes in your life  (Expect Quotes) Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it  (Expect Quotes) I love argument, I love debate. I don't expect anyone just to sit there and agree with me, that's not their job  (Expect Quotes) Their friendship was like a wilted bunch of flowers that she insisted on topping up with water. Why not let it die instead? It was unrealistic to expect a friendship to last forever  (Expect Quotes) There's the South Pole, said Christopher Robin, and I expect there's an East Pole and a West Pole, though people don't like talking about them  (Expect Quotes) Try to love someone who you want to hate, because they are just like you, somewhere inside, in a way you may never expect, in a way that resounds so deeply within you that you cannot believe it  (Expect Quotes) You've got to be responsible for your own happiness - you can't expect it to come flopping through the door like a parcel  (Expect Quotes) Although it might be that we can't expect change overnight, there was really a rapid shift in the way we view politics  (Expect Quotes) Later on in life, you expect a bit of rest, don't you? You think you deserve it. I did, anyway. But then you begin to understand that the reward of merit is not life's business  (Expect Quotes) We cannot be happy if we expect to live all the time at the highest peak of intensity. Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony  (Expect Quotes) When you expect the world to end at any moment, you know there is no need to hurry. You take your time, you do your work well  (Expect Quotes) We cannot at once catch the applauses of the vulgar and expect the approbation of the wise  (Expect Quotes) Expect no reward when you serve the wicked, and be thankful if you escape injury for your pain  (Expect Quotes) Knowledge is not eating, and we cannot expect to devour and possess what we mean. Knowledge is recognition of something absent; it is a salutation, not an embrace  (Expect Quotes) Mostly, I think people are fake. Well, what do you expect? The fake world we live in conspires to make us all fakes  (Expect Quotes) The evil that is in the world. This evil we can never expect to perish utterly from the world; it must ever be here as the antithesis of the good  (Expect Quotes)
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