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Expect Quotes

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I don’t ever expect to be permanently happy. I don’t think that’s part of the human condition  (Expect Quotes) Things never go the way you expect them to. That’s both the joy and frustration in life. I’m finding as I get older that I don’t mind, though. It’s the surprises that tickle me the most, the things you don’t see coming  (Expect Quotes) In my own experience as a physician, I have not seen a miraculous healing, and I don’t expect to see one  (Expect Quotes) As a mother, I work hard every day and I expect that work to be recognized and appreciated. Because I work for and with human beings, sometimes they’re grateful and sometimes they aren’t  (Expect Quotes) Loyalty is weird, it kicks in when you don’t expect it and the people who deserve loyalty least seem to get it the most  (Expect Quotes) There is a beauty in the world, though it’s harsher than we expect it to be  (Expect Quotes) Perhaps I need some shattering experience to awaken and inspire me, or at least to give me some emotion to recollect in tranquility. But how to get it? Sit here and wait for it or go out and seek it?... I expect it will be sit and wait  (Expect Quotes) Each of us may think we know exactly what we need to make us happy, what will be good for us, what will ensure we have our happy ending, but life rarely works out in the way we expect, and our happy ending may have all sorts of unexpected twists and turns, be shaped in all sorts of unexpected ways  (Expect Quotes) It is absurd to expect the inclinations and wishes of two human beings to coincide, through any long period of time. To oblige them to act and live together is to subject them to some inevitable potion of thwarting, bickering, and unhappiness  (Expect Quotes) At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don’t really expect it. Its like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And its not so important happy ever after, just that its happy right now. See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you, and once in a while people may even take your breath away  (Expect Quotes) ... if you do not even understand what words say, how can you expect to pass judgement on what words conceal?  (Expect Quotes) I expect we are all jealous of the women in their past, but how much less exciting if the women had not kept the bed warm  (Expect Quotes) When you’re living your life in endurance mode, you don’t expect anything good to happen. I’m not saying that you don’t dream about some miracle that would change everything for the better. But you pretty much know it’s only a fantasy, and that you have no real control over anything  (Expect Quotes) I always expect people to behave much better than I do. When they actually behave worse, I am frankly incredulous  (Expect Quotes) Is it too much to expect from the schools that they train their students not only to interpret but to criticize; that is, to discriminate what is sound from error and falsehood, to suspend judgement if they are not convinced, or to judge with reason if they agree or disagree?  (Expect Quotes) Maybe we can comprehend a flower or an insect, but we can never comprehend ourselves. Even less can we expect to comprehend the universe  (Expect Quotes) How can I give you nothing? Do you seriously expect me to buy nothing, wrap up nothing, stick a gift tag on nothing, send a card saying I really hope you like your nothing and lie awake worrying that the nothing I got you was the right color nothing you always anted? Have a heart!  (Expect Quotes) Hope is the greatest madness. What can we expect of a world that we enter with the assurance of seeing our fathers and mothers die? A world where, if two beings love each other and give their lives to each other, both can be sure that one will watch the other perish?  (Expect Quotes) People don’t expect too much from literature. They just want to know they’re not alone with being confused  (Expect Quotes) I did not know that children think the hard questions they ask are easy and thus expect easy answers to them, and that they are disappointed when they get cautious, complex answers  (Expect Quotes) The trouble is that people seem to expect happiness in life. I can’t imagine why; but they do. They are unhappy before they marry, and they imagine to themselves that the reason of their unhappiness will be removed when they are married. When it isn’t they blame the other person, which is clearly absurd. I believe that is what generally starts the trouble  (Expect Quotes) I think housework is far more tiring and frightening than hunting is, no comparison, and yet after hunting we had eggs for tea and were made to rest for hours, but after housework people expect one to go on just as if nothing special had happened  (Expect Quotes) What I have since realized is that if people expect you to be brave, sometimes you pretend that you are, even when you are frightened down to your very bones  (Expect Quotes) ... You don’t always get what you expect. I wish someone, sometime when I was growing up, would have told me what expectations would get me... Our parents, schools, everyone tells us things will be a certain way when we’re adults and if they’re not that way, we should make them be; or at least pretend. But after a certain point that just doesn’t work  (Expect Quotes) At first, there is something you expect of life. Later, there is what life expects of you. By the time you realize these are the same, it can be too late for expectations. What we are being, not what we are to be. They are the same thing  (Expect Quotes) Have I mentioned that I expect death around every turn, that every blue sky has a safe sailing out of it, that every bus runs me over, that every low, mean syllable uttered in my direction seems to intimate the violence of murder, that every family seems like an opportunity for ruin and every marriage a ceremony into which calamity will fall and hearts will be broken and lives destroyed and people branded by the mortifications of love?  (Expect Quotes) No matter what the odds, a man does not pin his last hope for survival on something and then expect that it will fail  (Expect Quotes) Nobody knows how things will turn out, that’s why they go ahead and play the game... You give it your all and sometimes amazing things happen, but it’s hardly ever what you expect  (Expect Quotes) The future is like the moon. You never expect to go there, or think about what it might be like  (Expect Quotes) I didn’t really know what to expect from detention but when I waked into the room, the first thought I had was, I don’t belong in here with these future criminals  (Expect Quotes)
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