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Men make the moral code and they expect women to accept it. They have decided that it is entirely right and proper for men to fight for their liberties and their rights, but that it is not right and proper for women to fight for theirs  (Expect Quotes) I mean thats a big part of our existence here on earth, the personal relationship we have with the person that we love, with the person that we make love to, with the person that we share our lives with. We expect a lot of things back from our loved one, and the lesson is to accept and not expect  (Expect Quotes) No people without a government of their own can expect to be treated on the same level as people of independent sovereign states. It is far better to be free to govern or misgovern yourself than to be governed by anybody else  (Expect Quotes) Schools in amerika are interested in brainwashing people with amerikanism, giving them a little bit of education, and training them in skills needed to fill the positions the capitalist system requires. As long as we expect amerika’s schools to educate us, we will remain ignorant  (Expect Quotes) Adults have big, big wishes that we do not expect to come true. That is why we need so many more candles on our cakes  (Expect Quotes) Anything that is given can be at once taken away. We have to learn never to expect anything, and when it comes it’s no more than a gift on loan  (Expect Quotes) I do dream about art, and images come to me in dreams. I am definitely hoping to be in touch with my subconscious. I expect a call any minute  (Expect Quotes) We cannot expect you to be with us all the time, but perhaps you could be good enough to keep in touch now and again  (Expect Quotes) When you punish a person for dreaming his dream, don’t expect him to thank or forgive you  (Expect Quotes) One of my chores was to milk the cows, which meant getting up before dawn and going out to that cold dark barn. I didn’t expect to make it all the way to the big leagues; I just had to get way from them damn cows  (Expect Quotes) How good can we expect to be if our best player is not our best teammate  (Expect Quotes) If I can’t expect someone to be accountable off the floor, how can I expect them to guard a pick and roll? Or get a rebound?  (Expect Quotes) There are two kinds of people. One kind, you can just tell by looking at them at what point they congealed into their final selves. It might be a very nice self, but you know you can expect no more surprises from it. Whereas, the other kind keep moving, changing... They are fluid. They keep moving forward and making new trysts with life, and the motion of it keeps them young. In my opinion, they are the only people who are still alive. You must be constantly on your guard against congealing  (Expect Quotes) When these political action committees give money, they expect something in return other than good government  (Expect Quotes) Some poems present themselves as cliffs that need to be climbed. Others are so defensive that when you approach their enclosure you half expect to be met by a snarling dog at the gate. Still others want to smother you with their sticky charms  (Expect Quotes) Cinema seats make people lazy. They expect to be given all the information. But for me, question marks are the punctuation of life  (Expect Quotes) Lower your expectations of earth. This isn’t heaven, so don’t expect it to be  (Expect Quotes) We must reason in natural philosophy not from what we hope, or even expect, but from what we perceive  (Expect Quotes) It’s important to realize that the images are everywhere, not just where you want or expect them to be  (Expect Quotes) You’re not going to win by automatically going out there. It’s hard to know what people really expect of you, and I’ve never tried to live up to expectations anyway. That’s no way to play baseball  (Expect Quotes) Happiest is he who expects no happiness from others. Love delights and glorifies in giving, not receiving. So learn to love and give, and not to expect anything from others  (Expect Quotes) It’s always helpful to look outside of the web for your inspiration, to places where you might not at first expect to find a solution. The world is a collage of inspiration, from newspapers, magazine publishing, and advertising to product design, architecture and the fine arts  (Expect Quotes) People are not like a business. You can’t buy and sell them like so much property. You can’t lock them up in a vault and expect them to appreciate it  (Expect Quotes) My coach told me I had to expect, you know, some long rallies and stuff. So, you know, I was ready for this  (Expect Quotes) Like every other destruction of optimism, whether in a whole civilisation or in a single individual, these must have been unspeakable catastrophes for those who had dared to expect progress. But we should feel more than sympathy for those people. We should take it personally. For if any of those earlier experiments in optimism had succeeded, our species would be exploring the stars by now, and you and I would be immortal  (Expect Quotes) Given the fact of evolution, one would expect the fossils to document a gradual steady change from ancestral forms to the descendants. But this is not what the paleontologist finds. Instead, he or she finds gaps in just about every phyletic series  (Expect Quotes) Unless we are prepared to search our souls to discover what to say, and then how to say it effectively, we cannot expect to deal successfully with today’s domestic and personal problems, not to mention those international issues on which our very lives depend  (Expect Quotes) If someone has been escaping reality, I don’t expect him to dig my music  (Expect Quotes) Men are foolish to expect us to revere them, when, in the end, they amount to almost nothing  (Expect Quotes) I would expect an extremely high percentage of the chickens would test positive. Our poultry industry clients wouldn’t like that  (Expect Quotes)
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