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Expect Quotes

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When war becomes the most profitable course of action, we can certainly expect more of it  (Expect Quotes) As you go through life, you learn many lessons. Unfortunately these lessons only apply to the specific instances in which you learned them. Therefore you can expect to make horrible mistakes no matter how long you live  (Expect Quotes) Take more chances than you dare. You’ll make more sales than you expect. That’s the formula  (Expect Quotes) I didn’t expect to love being online as much as I do. I’ve met some wonderful people and discovered that however arcane some of my interests that there are people out there who are interested too  (Expect Quotes) Associate yourself with people who think positively. You cannot surround yourself with negative people and expect positive outcomes  (Expect Quotes) If you don’t know where you want to be in five years, how do you ever expect to get there?  (Expect Quotes) We must first give to life if we expect life to give anything in return. This is the divine law  (Expect Quotes) Ask anyone what that means, what it means to see a miracle, and they will say that it’s something impossible, but they mean that a miracle is something formerly believed to be impossible that turns out not to be, not to be impossible, in other words, but possible after all. If this were really true, then miracles would be the most ordinary things in the world, the most uninspiring things in the world, and what can one expect from people who have never been anything but ordinary and uninspired  (Expect Quotes) Where there is an observatory and a telescope, we expect that any eyes will see new worlds at once  (Expect Quotes) We see a decline of civility, and, sadly, it’s often modeled by the very people from whom we have the least right to expect it  (Expect Quotes) The lesson that people can’t give me what they don’t have, and if there’s anything I took from it, it was: okay, I don’t really expect anyone to hand me anything. There’s going to be me and the world  (Expect Quotes) Today, we turn to one person to provide what an entire village once did: a sense of grounding, meaning, and continuity. At the same time, we expect our committed relationships to be romantic as well as emotionally and sexually fulfilling. Is it any wonder that so many relationships crumble under the weight of it all?  (Expect Quotes) If we cannot remain present during sleep, if we lose ourselves every night, what chance do we have to be aware when death comes? If we enter our dreams and interact with the mind’s images as if they are real, we should not expect to be free in the state after death. Look to your experience in dreams to know how you will fare in death. Look to your experience of sleep to discover whether or not you are truly awake  (Expect Quotes) At times what you expect and what happens don’t match. The faster you accept and adapt to what happened and work towards creating what you believed, that what you expected gets created in a whole new way..!  (Expect Quotes) You can’t kill the past by denying the past. You can kill it only by making it obsolete. And even in that, you have to find honor in the past. You can’t hack off pieces of yourself, and expect them to grow again  (Expect Quotes) Invest in yourself first. Expect nothing from no one and be willing to work for everything  (Expect Quotes) It is frequently a misfortune to have very brilliant men in charge of affairs. They expect too much of ordinary men  (Expect Quotes) You can’t top that remark for hypocrisy or the setting for irony. It isn’t the middle class who write $32,500 checks. Those who do expect something in return. They’ve been getting it  (Expect Quotes) I think we’d be very foolish to expect that we can just import everything from somewhere else and imagine that that’s going to last for ever and ever and ever  (Expect Quotes) As soon as you accept the accidental effects, they are no longer accidents. They are necessity the part of yourself that you could not expect or design beforehand. Thus the realm of your creativity grows wider  (Expect Quotes) As long as I am on this little planet I expect to love a lot of people and I hope they will love me in return  (Expect Quotes) If I lose today, I can look forward to winning tomorrow, and if I win today, I can expect to lose tomorrow. A sure thing is no fun  (Expect Quotes) I like one nice man because he gets three tickets for the cinema so we’ve got somewhere to put our coats. He passes the test. I’ve been quite surprised because I really didn’t expect to be wined and dined, and it’s quite nice  (Expect Quotes) Stuff goes wrong. Expect it, learn from it, fix it. That’s how remarkable happens  (Expect Quotes) Don’t expect anyone to give you anything. If you really believe in something, then fight for it  (Expect Quotes) Any kind of expectation creates a problem. We should accept, but not expect. Whatever comes, accept it. Whatever goes, accept it. The immediate benefit is that your mind is always peaceful  (Expect Quotes) Always expect the best. Then if you have to hurdle a few tough problems, you will have generated the strength and courage to do so  (Expect Quotes) Never forget, organizational values start and end with you, the leader. Whether your example is good or bad, expect most employees to follow your lead  (Expect Quotes) You can’t expect insights, even the big ones, to make you suddenly understand everything. But I figure: Hey it’s a step in the right direction if they leave you confused in a deeper way  (Expect Quotes) Give respect before you expect it. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Remember the mission. Set the example. Keep going  (Expect Quotes)
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