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Expect Quotes

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Change is like to surfing. You can’t just paddle into life, stand still and expect to stay on top of your board. The waves of change will knock you off and drag you under. Some people even think changes are fun! You are where you are because you want to be there. If you want to be somewhere else, you’ll need to change  (Expect Quotes) When girls are educated and free to pursue their passions, they contribute more to a thriving society. When women have a voice, they raise it to demand a life that is greater than what they’ve been told they have a right to expect. And these demands change the future for everyone  (Expect Quotes) Today I detach from other people’s dramas. I love them and pray for them. I am a role model of peace for them. But I no longer rescue them, or put my own needs last. It is my right to be happy and to help others as I feel lovingly guided instead from guilt or obligation. I respect my feelings and expect others to do so too. And so it is!  (Expect Quotes) We must lose what we think we know so that we can come to see what we least expect  (Expect Quotes) Dream, but expect nothing. Desire, but expect nothing. Hope, but expect nothing. Release your need to control and gain real control  (Expect Quotes) The ocean is a supreme metaphor for change. I expect the unexpected but am never fully prepared  (Expect Quotes) People will let you down in this life, promises will be broken, you should expect less of others and trust more in yourself  (Expect Quotes) Not everything will go as you expect in your life. This is why you need to drop expectations, and go with the flow of life  (Expect Quotes) You can’t always expect a certain result, but you can expect to do your best  (Expect Quotes) The criminal does not expect his prey to fight back. May he never choose you, but, if he does, surprise him  (Expect Quotes) The big thing in life is to focus on providing more value to people than they expect. The rest comes then  (Expect Quotes) Even when other people don’t expect a lot out of you,you have to take the initiative  (Expect Quotes) If the human isn’t responsible for their role in the horse human relationship, horses just don’t get along very well. So that’s why I say it’s all about the human meeting the bill to fit the horse in any given situation. But don’t expect the horse to always fit the human  (Expect Quotes) See, I don’t expect to win a prize for stoic control and dignity at mourning time. Death deserve tantrums. Beating back shocked indignation, kicks in the groin, stones, classified unacceptable, not to be tolerated, not to be wooed, not to be conspired with. Only then can music, dance, movies, plays, rap be about life. Only then can life be cherished and adored  (Expect Quotes) Write it down and remember that we never gave in, the mind of a child is where the revolution begins, so if the solution has never been to look in yourself, how is it that you expect to find it anywhere else  (Expect Quotes) People, particularly big men carrying big rifles, don’t expect lip from a scrawny thing like me. They always look a bit dazed when they get it  (Expect Quotes) Life changes when you least expect it to. The future is uncertain. So, seize this day, seize this moment, and make the most of it  (Expect Quotes) Daily I expect to be murdered or betrayed or reduced to slavery if the occasion arises. But I fear nothing, because of the promises of heaven  (Expect Quotes) You can’t expect everyone to love you. I’m not someone who just wants to throw out hate, just because  (Expect Quotes) I feel like people expect a lot out of girls, like you’re supposed to know who you are and what you want out of life right now. Some girls know. I did. But lots of people don’t know. You have to try a lot of things and not worry about what people are thinking  (Expect Quotes) Don’t expect a pat on the back for merely doing your job, but know that you’ll get one for doing it exceptionally well  (Expect Quotes) I knew it in my bones. That this time was it. I had finally made my choice, and so had he. He let me go. I was relieved, which I expected. What I didn’t expect was to feel so much grief  (Expect Quotes) If I would expect better spiritual conditions to serve, I would not have started until the present moment  (Expect Quotes) I think it backfired. It wasn’t what I expected, it was difficult. I didn’t expect them to throw somany mind games into it. I didn’t expect to be so emotional, but I asked for it really. I’ma glutton for punishment  (Expect Quotes) When one door closes another opens. Expect that new door to reveal even greater wonders and glories and surprises. Feel yourself grow with every experience. And look for the reason for it  (Expect Quotes) Wine is like women. It tempts you; it comforts you; it confuses you and can even turn on you when you least expect it. It can be your friend one day and your enemy the next  (Expect Quotes) Since this girl in front of him represented not a person, but again the image, or something desirable, the last thing we would expect him to want to do would be to personalize this person... Chattering and flattering and entertaining, as if seen through a motion picture screen  (Expect Quotes) Why should there be the method of science? There is not just one way to build a house, or even to grow tomatoes. We should not expect something as motley as the growth of knowledge to be strapped to one methodology  (Expect Quotes) I’ve got a very peculiar sort of fame, based on being on the telly. It doesn’t mean you have the lifestyle people expect  (Expect Quotes) Husbands, love your wives well! Your children are noticing how you treat her. You are teaching your sons how they should treat women, and you are teaching your daughters what they should expect from men  (Expect Quotes)
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