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I am comfortable giving people direction. If something is not good enough, my job is to find a way to help them learn from their mistake, and understand that next time I expect better  (Expect Quotes) You know how if you’re born in a certain situation you always expect your life to run on a steady trajectory? I’ve never really had a sense of that. I assume that life is going to go up and down  (Expect Quotes) I don’t think that anyone can prepare for raising a child. I think it’s one of those jobs that is far more overwhelming than you could ever expect and far more satisfying than you can ever expect  (Expect Quotes) As you’re growing up, it’s odd, because directors don’t expect you to grow up. They think you’ll be young forever, but as an actor, there is an awkward period when you’re too young for old or too old for young, and it can be an odd time  (Expect Quotes) You cannot expect soldiers to change people’s minds. That has to be done in other ways  (Expect Quotes) I don’t expect too much from the afterlife, I think that I know very well what pain is. When I think of the end of my life, I think mainly: I didn’t do nothing, but I could have done more  (Expect Quotes) For me comedy and violence has a lot in common. Just as you expect, comedy always lurks behind the most unexpected of circumstances  (Expect Quotes) I don’t really expect much from my life. So when I heard my films are premiering in film festival circuits I was glad of course but I thought it was lucky accident  (Expect Quotes) I think I have a certain respect for people, you know. And I guess a lot of times I expect that respect to go both ways  (Expect Quotes) If you’re going to act and do this for a living, you want to play something that the audience didn’t expect  (Expect Quotes) Be brave and be patient. Have faith in yourself; trust in the significance of your life and the purpose of your passion. You are strong enough to sit in the space between spaces and allow divine inspiration to shed some light. When you put positive energy and productive effort into the world it will come back to you. Occasionally in ways you might not immediately understand and on a time frame you didn’t expect. Look. Listen. Learn. Stay open. Your destiny is awaiting you  (Expect Quotes) Every time I play in a movie, I never expect that it’ll be huge. I don’t like thinking about that, because it’s so scary  (Expect Quotes) As an actor sometimes we sit and wait for projects to be handed to us and we don’t really work. We expect our agents and managers to know who we are and to see who we are and offer us a part or send us out and submit us  (Expect Quotes) When they’ve tortured and scared you for 20 odd years, then they expect you to pick a career  (Expect Quotes) I’m a vegetarian, but I don’t expect other people not to eat meat  (Expect Quotes) I want to make beautiful paintings. But I don’t make beautiful paintings by putting beautiful paint on a canvas with a beautiful motif. It just doesn’t work. I expect my paintings to be strong and surprising  (Expect Quotes) We’d never expect to understand a piece of music on one listen, but we tend to believe we’ve read a book after reading it just once  (Expect Quotes) I think people look at me and don’t expect much. Even though, I expect a whole lot  (Expect Quotes) Expect forces to interfere with you and expect to conquer them all, if you are serious about the study. Just as there are powers that interfere with those who seek enlightenment, there are forces that will help  (Expect Quotes) Spiritual balance is the principle that allows the mind to be still. You cannot expect the world to settle down, everything to work out, in order for you to be happy. You have to get control of your mind  (Expect Quotes) Don’t just sit there. Go do something and don’t expect that it’s going to be fun unless you make it fun. You have got to work on things. That is when you are happy  (Expect Quotes) Perfecting and selling your writing is a lifelong task. If you are a persistent writer, you can expect your abilities to improve with time. Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm  (Expect Quotes) Ideas come when we do not expect them, and not when we are brooding and searching at our desks. Yet ideas would certainly not come to mind had we not brooded at our desks and searched for answers with passionate devotion  (Expect Quotes) I don’t believe in just ordering people to do things. You have to sort of grab an oar and row with them. My philosophy is to stay as close as possible to what’s happening. If I can’t solve something, how the hell can I expect my managers to  (Expect Quotes) Bitcoin is getting there but it’s not there yet. When it gets there, expect governments to panic and society to be reshaped into something where governments cannot rely on taxing income nor wealth for running their operations  (Expect Quotes) It’s impossible to tell you what I’m going to do except to say that I expect to make the best movie ever made  (Expect Quotes) People tend to think that mathematicians always work in sterile conditions, sitting around and staring at the screen of a computer, or at a ceiling, in a pristine office. But in fact, some of the best ideas come when you least expect them, possibly through annoying industrial noise  (Expect Quotes) A pain free, active lifestyle is not only possible, but it is the way you should expect to feel and live, no matter your age, no matter your previous experience  (Expect Quotes) There is a tremendous power in positive thinking. When you expect the best, you literally create a thought field that magnetizes that which you desire. Like attracts like  (Expect Quotes) You can have small moments of happiness in life. You certainly can’t expect years and years of it  (Expect Quotes)
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