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Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass what he defends hit him where he does not expect you  (Expect Quotes) You can always expect tragedy as well as adventure; that’s just how it goes  (Expect Quotes) You set up the story, but the characters start talking, and they go places that you didn’t expect. You have to follow  (Expect Quotes) I feel like people want to be surprised when they get out of the movies. They want something thrown at them they didn’t expect. They want stuff that reminds them of the feelings that you get when you’re watching art house movies but with the fun of like a big summer movie. That’s the goal, I guess  (Expect Quotes) Feminism loves men enough to expect them to act more honorably and actually believes them capable of doing so  (Expect Quotes) I always take photographs when I attend a funeral. Most people there know who I am and expect me to be there with my camera  (Expect Quotes) I watch artists say they wrote all these songs and don’t mention anybody else who was involved, and that’s fine. I don’t expect an artist to give me credit. I know that they’re gonna take the credit for everything. But, it’s my job to give myself that exposure and not make excuses, not grow bitter  (Expect Quotes) If you’re looking for perfection, look in the mirror. If you find it there, expect it elsewhere  (Expect Quotes) As a rule we perceive what we expect to perceive... The unexpected is usually not received at all  (Expect Quotes) One of the most crippling things we can do to ourselves is expect someone else to make us happy  (Expect Quotes) Be good to others, but don’t expect a lot of gratitude in this world. Remember that good deeds are seldom remembered and bad deeds are seldom forgotten  (Expect Quotes) Each morning when you wake, and everyday for the rest of your life... Expect the best of yourself, and accept the rest from yourself  (Expect Quotes) Construction of an aerial vehicle which can carry even a single man... requires the discovery of some new metal or force. Even with such a discovery, we could not expect one to do more than carry its owner  (Expect Quotes) Never expect anything from a particular meditation. Once you have gotten started, different methods get you into the stream, let the meditation take you wherever it would like to  (Expect Quotes) Sometimes diehard fans expect so much that they’re never happy no matter what they get  (Expect Quotes) It’s weird that people expect me to be funny. I find it a real burden when I’m expected to be humorous on talk shows  (Expect Quotes) You mustn’t expect me to repeat myself. My past doesn’t interest me. I would rather copy others than copy myself. In that way I should at least be giving them something new. I love discovering things  (Expect Quotes) It feels much nobler to feel guilty than resentful, and it takes more courage to express resentment than guilt. With expressing guilt you expect to pacify your opponent; with expressing resentment you might stir up hostility in him  (Expect Quotes) Of all the vices, avarice is the most generally detested; it is the effect of an avidity common to all men; it is because men hate those from whom they can expect nothing. The greedy misers rail at sordid misers  (Expect Quotes) When you love, whatever you do is because you want to do it. It becomes a pleasure, it’s like a game, and you have fun with it. When you love, you don’t expect something to happen; whatever happens is okay, and hardly anything disappoints you  (Expect Quotes) Finishing a painting demands a heart of steel: everything requires a decision, and I find difficulties where I least expect them... It is at such moments that one fully realizes one’s own weaknesses  (Expect Quotes) There is more energy locked up in sources around the solar system than we could ever reasonably expect to need, the problem would be transporting them back to earth and using them in a cost efficient manner  (Expect Quotes) We understand that athletes aren’t necessarily role models, but we at least expect them to abide by the basic laws of the state  (Expect Quotes) Some people think or expect that you should make the same kinds of art forever because it creates a convenient narrative... I want my work to embody my inherent contradictions  (Expect Quotes) In the future there cannot be room for ambiguity. They have to make their position absolutely clear before they can expect anyone to respond to it  (Expect Quotes) If you give the audience what they expect, they’ll be bored. There are no rules: You do what you want while respecting the boundaries. You don’t poke people in the eye; you do things they haven’t seen before and make it accessible, funny and clever  (Expect Quotes) With stagnant hourly wages, the only way for working families to get ahead is by working more hours,... certainly not the path to improving living standards that we’d expect in an economy posting strong productivity gains  (Expect Quotes) If you write genre fiction, you follow the rules, and you have to follow them because readers expect that  (Expect Quotes) Our supplies of natural resources are not finite in any economic sense. Nor does past experience give reason to expect natural resources to become more scarce. Rather, if history is any guide, natural resources will progressively become less costly, hence less scarce, and will constitute a smaller proportion of our expenses in future years  (Expect Quotes) I don’t think we expect enough of students. They just need someone to show them the way  (Expect Quotes)
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