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Expect Quotes

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We cannot afford to differ on the question of honesty if we expect our republic permanently to endure. Honesty is not so much a credit as an absolute prerequisite to efficient service to the public. Unless a man is honest, we have no right to keep him in public life; it matters not how brilliant his capacity  (Expect Quotes) We of an older generation can get along with what we have, though with growing hardship; but in your full manhood and womanhood you will want what nature once so bountifully supplied and man so thoughtlessly destroyed; and because of that want you will reproach us, not for what we have used, but for what we have wasted...So any nation which in its youth lives only for the day, reaps without sowing, and consumes without husbanding, must expect the penalty of the prodigal whose labor could with difficulty find him the bare means of life  (Expect Quotes) Nothing is so much fun as business. I do not expect to do anything but work as long as I can stand up  (Expect Quotes) If you expect the best, you will be the best. Learn to use one of the most powerful laws in this world; change your mental habits to belief instead of disbelief. Learn to expect, not to doubt. In so doing, you bring everything into the realm of possibility  (Expect Quotes) Although I am ready to defend what I have said, many people expect me to defend what others have attributed to me  (Expect Quotes) Today remind yourself that nothing is too good to be true. Your great hopes can be realized. Your most wonderful dreams can come true. All that you really need, you can have. An incredible goodness is operating on your behalf. If you are living a paltry life, resolve to stop it today. Expect great things to happen  (Expect Quotes) There is no greater block to world peace or inner peace than fear. What we fear we tend to develop an unreasoning hatred for, so we come to hate and fear. This not only injures us psychologically and aggravates world tension, but through such negative concentration we tend to attract the things we fear. If we fear nothing and radiate love, we can expect good things to come. How much this world needs the message and example of love and of faith!  (Expect Quotes) When you expect the best you release a magnetic force in your mind which by a law of attraction tends to bring the best to you  (Expect Quotes) People of integrity expect to be believed. They also know time will prove them right and are willing to wait  (Expect Quotes) Doing your best is taking the action because you love it, not because you’re expecting a reward. Most people do the exact opposite: They only take action when they expect a reward, and they don’t enjoy the action. And that’s the reason why they don’t do their best  (Expect Quotes) What I’ve learned over the years is that the path less traveled always makes for a more interesting journey. If you simply do what everyone else is doing, how can you ever expect to excel and create something wonderful and unique in your life?  (Expect Quotes) Purity is something that can be consciously developed. Expect to have impure moments, thoughts, and ideas. One day they will go away, and then there will be happiness  (Expect Quotes) It’s all about how I feel about things. I never expect much, I always felt like I obey my heart  (Expect Quotes) It’s a weird thing when you make records. You try to hear it before you make it, so you walk into the studio with this idea of what you expect to happen, and that usually changes. That usually turns into something else, and that’s a good thing. If everything was as you imagined it to be, it just wouldn’t be as much fun  (Expect Quotes) A whole generation of veteran composers has never taken a stand or provided an example and has produced in the music academies generations of docile workers for the music industry. What can you expect from downtrodden workers who see music as a type of profession, like stenography, and not an act of creation that by its nature is subversive?  (Expect Quotes) I expect to pass through this world but once and therefore if there is anybody that I want to kick in the crutch I had better kick them in the crutch now, for I do not expect to pass this way again  (Expect Quotes) Every time you have a carrot instead of a cookie, every time you go to the gym instead of going to the movies, that’s a costly investment in your health. But how much you want to invest is going to depend on how much longer you expect to live in the future, even if you don’t make those investments  (Expect Quotes) Genuine bravery occurs when you least expect it, and when, in fact, you’re quite oblivious of it. Sometimes heroism happens when you press on; other times when you let go. Once in a while, it happens when you do a little dance all your own  (Expect Quotes) How can we expect wild animals to survive if we give them nowhere in the wild to live?  (Expect Quotes) To how many girls has a great beauty been of no other use but to make them expect a large fortune!  (Expect Quotes) By privileges, immunities, or prerogatives to give unlimited swing to the passions of individuals, and then to hope that they will restrain them, is about as reasonable as to expect that the tiger will spare the hart to browse upon the herbage  (Expect Quotes) We cannot expect to be happy always... by experiencing evil as well as good we become wise  (Expect Quotes) Whatever behavior you’ve experienced from people in the past, expect them to do it again and again and again  (Expect Quotes) It is human nature to seek revenge in the face of relentless suffering. You can’t expect an unhealthy person to think logically  (Expect Quotes) Parliament has become so undermined it is almost unable to do the job that people expect of it. A glaring example is the budget bill, where there was no thoughtful debate or scrutiny of the legislation  (Expect Quotes) My core philosophy on winning and motivation is summed up by saying that you were born to win, but in order to be the winner you were born to be, you have to plan to win and prepare to win before you can expect to win  (Expect Quotes) Sometimes the unexpected happens when you don’t expect a person to come up to expectations  (Expect Quotes) Going before an audience of people who expect you to be funny is tough. Going before an audience that expect you to be boring, and then being a little funny, is much easier. I prefer easier  (Expect Quotes) I always expect the worst from this evil and wicked world and am often pleasantly surprised when the worst does not come to pass, but never or rarely surprised or upset when it does  (Expect Quotes) Create quality art... meaningful, passionate and high quality work! If it’s not meaningful to you, how can you expect it to be meaningful to anyone else?  (Expect Quotes)
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