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As an author, you can’t expect a movie to be an illustration of the book. If that’s what you hope for, you shouldn’t sell the rights  (Expect Quotes) The capacity to reason is a special sort of capacity because it can lead us to places that we did not expect to go  (Expect Quotes) If we expect others to rely on our fairness and justice we must show that we rely on their fairness and justice  (Expect Quotes) I think that sometimes when they see me in a movie they expect me to be something nasty. I mean, I play a lot of villains and you show up and they think maybe... That’s why it’s good to defy expectations sometimes  (Expect Quotes) Nothing is too extravagant to expect from men who conceive they are ungratefully and unjustly dealt by  (Expect Quotes) Those who return evil for good should not expect the kindness of others to last long  (Expect Quotes) One of the most durable and destructive legacies of discrimination is the way we’ve internalized a sense of limitation; how so many in our community have come to expect so little from the world and from themselves  (Expect Quotes) This damned ranting about doom. Is that food for the minds of modern people? Do they really expect us to take them seriously?  (Expect Quotes) The study a posteriori of the distribution of consciousness shows it to be exactly such as we might expect in an organ added for the sake of steering a nervous system grown too complex to regulate itself  (Expect Quotes) Truth is more deceptive than falsehood, for it is more frequently presented by those from whom we do not expect it, and so has against it a numerical presumption  (Expect Quotes) Men who expect universal peace through invention of destructive weapons of war are no wiser than one who, noting the improvement of agricultural implements, should prophesy an end to the tilling of the soil  (Expect Quotes) What man thinks of changing himself so as to suit his wife? And yet men expect that women shall put on altogether new characters when they are married, and girls think that they can do so  (Expect Quotes) I don’t sing the way I used to, so I’m doing everything I can to put the word out that they shouldn’t expect that  (Expect Quotes) It is easier with strangers, for they touch your life but for an instant. You will not disappoint them, for you owe them nothing; neither do they expect anything. Friends you can hurt, for they expect everything  (Expect Quotes) When you’re trying to do character work that’s different from what people expect from you, you’re sort of in territory that is uncharted, and you don’t know how it’s playing all the time  (Expect Quotes) It is heartbreaking to me that I wasn’t told the truth. I’m a very loyal guy, and I expect loyalty in return. And lying to me is not an exhibition of loyalty  (Expect Quotes) In my job, you expect to suffer. That’s why when I go to hell one day, it will be less painful for me than you, because I’m used to suffering  (Expect Quotes) Effective policing relies on the police having the confidence of the communities they serve, and this consultation gives the public an opportunity to contribute to the values and standards they expect of police officers  (Expect Quotes) We can actually reconstruct our past by examining what we think, say, feel, expect, believe, and do in an intimate relationship now  (Expect Quotes) When I go to a fine dining restaurant, I’m excited and I do expect to find proposals to wake my senses  (Expect Quotes) If you can’t control your peanut butter, you can’t expect to control your life  (Expect Quotes) You will be competing against athletes from many nations. But, most important, you are competing against yourself. All we expect is for you to do your very best, to push yourself just one second faster, one notch higher, one inch further  (Expect Quotes) Let us all be men and women in full. Let us expect from ourselves more than we think we can give, more than we think we can do and more than we think we already know  (Expect Quotes) Remain steadfast in the faith; instruct yourself; bridle your tongue; repress your wrath; forbear to do evil; associate with the good; screen the faults of your neighbour; relieve the poor by your alms; and expect your reward in eternity  (Expect Quotes) The best thing we can do for a young person is to expect a great deal from them  (Expect Quotes) The rewards of golf, and of life too I expect, are worth very little if you don’t play the game by the etiquette as well as by the rules  (Expect Quotes) I have been able to hope for the best, expect the worst, and take what comes along. If there has been one fundamental reason for my success, this is it  (Expect Quotes) If you’ve led a rather bohemian and rackety life, as I have, it’s precisely the cancer that you’d expect to get. That’s a bit of a yawn  (Expect Quotes) I’m not going to try and change how people perceive me. I think it’s important to be a contradiction. People are contradictions; everyone has contradictions. So I don’t expect anyone to look at me differently  (Expect Quotes) People do not get what they want or what they expect from the markets; they get what they deserve  (Expect Quotes)
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