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It’s not that I don’t believe in creativity and innovation and new ideas, and the creativity that comes with fashion, which I really respect. But one of my biggest concerns is just how cheap we expect everything to be  (Expect Quotes) Learning to expect problems saved me from a lot of wasted energy. Winners see problems as just another way to prove themselves  (Expect Quotes) We cannot tax the same people we expect to create jobs. That is a recipe for keeping people out of work  (Expect Quotes) In life the only thing that you can expect is the unexpected; the only surprise is a day that has none  (Expect Quotes) No woman has ever existed who did not know perfectly well in her heart what to expect from the superiority or inferiority of a rival  (Expect Quotes) Why should we need extra time in which to enjoy ourselves? If we expect to enjoy our life, we will have to learn to be joyful in all of it, not just at stated intervals when we can get time or when we have nothing else to do  (Expect Quotes) It would be an incalculable gain to domestic happiness, if people would begin the concert of life with their instruments tuned to a very low pitch: they who receive the most happiness are generally they who demand and expect the least  (Expect Quotes) It’s astonishing in this world how things don’t turn out at all the way you expect them to  (Expect Quotes) Every man who takes a part in politics, especially in times when parties run high, must expect to be abused; they must bear it; and their friends must learn to bear it for them  (Expect Quotes) There is not one in a hundred of either sex, who is not taken in when they marry.... it is, of all transactions, the one in which people expect most from others, and are least honest themselves  (Expect Quotes) How can we expect our students to become bold and fearless in thought and action if we encase them in sentimental shrines feigning a culture which has long since disappeared?  (Expect Quotes) In the arts, you simply cannot secure your bread and your freedom of action too. You cannot be a hostile critic of society and expect society to feed you regularly  (Expect Quotes) I try to tell people to keep having hope. It’s always what you don’t know and don’t expect that’s gonna be so great  (Expect Quotes) We expect definitions to tell us not only what is, but what to do about it; to show us how the world fits together and how its different parts connect and work.... A label is the first step toward action  (Expect Quotes) I’ve done it for a long time and I didn’t expect it to be any different here  (Expect Quotes) I spend as little time with lawmakers as possible. Many are great. And more than you expect want real change. But they’re not going to do anything till we, the outsiders, force them to adopt it  (Expect Quotes) And yet humanity is so not evolved that how can you expect anything absolutely major to happen? Look how long, we move ahead in technology, how much do we move ahead in morality or emotion? We move ahead so minimally, minimally, minimally  (Expect Quotes) People are surprised that I’m nice and it helps me out a little bit; it’s easy to be nice when everyone thinks you’re going to be a jerk but if people think you’re a nice guy then it’s tough because it’s what they expect  (Expect Quotes) I never expect anything. I am always amazed at why anybody goes to any movie or why anybody doesn’t go to any movie. Any movie you make, you make it because you’re hoping somebody wants to see it, but you never know  (Expect Quotes) Faith is like love; when you want it you can’t find it, and you find it when you least expect it  (Expect Quotes) Peace, development, and justice are all connected to each other. We cannot talk about economic development without talking about peace. How can we expect economic development in a battlefield?  (Expect Quotes) I’m never ashamed to read a book twice or as many times as I want. We never expect to drink a glass of water just once in our lives. A book can be that essential, too  (Expect Quotes) We should contract our ideas of education, and expect no more from it than it is able to perform  (Expect Quotes) Cats, for the most part, seem indifferent to human activities that do not revolve around their needs and wants. They all but roll their eyes at the owners who expect their cats to do things for them  (Expect Quotes) Thinking about profound social change, conservatives always expect disaster, while revolutionaries confidently anticipate utopia. Both are wrong  (Expect Quotes) It is very unreasonable of people to expect one should be at home, because one is in the house. Of all privileges, that of invisibility is the most valuable  (Expect Quotes) Let our girls feel that we expect something more of them than that they merely look pretty and appear well in society  (Expect Quotes) You cannot just work out and then eat poorly and expect to lose weight. It doesn’t work that way  (Expect Quotes) The perpetual tendency of the race of man to increase beyond the means of subsistence is one of the general laws of animated nature, which we can have no reason to expect to change  (Expect Quotes) I expect this is what death is like when you meet it. Sort of wildly unfair but inevitable  (Expect Quotes)
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