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Expect Quotes

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Can we really expect adequate funding for programs to clean up our environment and care for people’s basic needs as long as the socially essential work of caretaking and cleaning is relegated to women for little or no pay?  (Expect Quotes) There’s a big difference between tolerance and approval, and I have no right to expect or demand the latter from anyone  (Expect Quotes) One doesn’t expect justice from life... it’s the function of human beings to put it there  (Expect Quotes) Hollywood is the sort of town where you wake up in the morning and look out to see if it’s still there. I expect the whole movie colony to pick up its tents one night and go back to whatever fairyland they came from  (Expect Quotes) Don’t always expect good things to happen. Your job is to forgive no matter what happens  (Expect Quotes) The secret of being a writer: not to expect others to value what you’ve done as you value it. Not to expect anyone else to perceive in it the emotions you have invested in it. Once this is understood, all will be well  (Expect Quotes) The end of all worship leading is worship living. We must live our worship if we expect others to live their own worship  (Expect Quotes) I’m willing to work with anyone of either party who has a good idea and the commitment to see through. And we should all expect you to hold us accountable for our progress or our failure to deliver  (Expect Quotes) I think what people see in me is one slice of who I am. It does permeate my life in the sense that I don’t like to be told what to do, or how to be, or how I can do it. But I’m probably a lot tamer than people would expect  (Expect Quotes) Gifts are not favors. If you expect something in return, it’s not a gift  (Expect Quotes) Whatever the mind is taught to expect, that it will build, produce, and bring forth for you  (Expect Quotes) We find what we expect to find. We do not see the world as it is but as we are  (Expect Quotes) It is a mistake to expect all of our needs to be met by one person or in one relationship. Honor and be grateful for that which you receive. Don’t become bitter and spend all your time focusing on that which the person is not able to provide  (Expect Quotes) Almost anyone who has ever attained any kind of public stature in his or her profession can expect sometimes to see a reflection in a cracked mirror  (Expect Quotes) You can’t expect people to give you the things you love, unless you know how to ask  (Expect Quotes) Let me say this: I only expect the black media to uphold the standards of excellence in journalism and when you do that, you have to go in with a neutral mind  (Expect Quotes) I look very different from how people expect me to be... Clearly they think I’m a great big fat viking  (Expect Quotes) People who write finely must not expect to be left in repose; they will be molested with thanks, at least  (Expect Quotes) I always try to plan things out, but they never work out the way I expect  (Expect Quotes) I don’t always expect good from people. I always expect the bad and I am pleasantly surprised when they are nice  (Expect Quotes) People expect all women to react the same to pregnancy. But anyone who’s been around pregnant women knows that it’s not all cutesy and sweet. You spaz out and you’re angry and you have tantrums  (Expect Quotes) It does not matter how other people treat you. That is their lookout. The only real thing is how you treat them. Give love out, but do not worry and expect any in return, and you will be happy and contented  (Expect Quotes) I don’t lose an hour in the morning and expect to make it up in the evening; night is the wrong end of the day to borrow from  (Expect Quotes) If you cannot mould yourself entirely as you would wish, how can you expect other people to be entirely to your liking?  (Expect Quotes) I love you more than anything in this world. I don’t expect that will last  (Expect Quotes) I was never the girl that grew up saying I want to get married. I actually told my parents to not expect me to get married  (Expect Quotes) To be honest with my music... for me to expect anyone to connect it has to come from a place of honesty  (Expect Quotes) Are people being the least you expect of them, or the best they expect themselves to be?  (Expect Quotes) Expect me to give my all. Thats what I do every time I have a show. Give my all  (Expect Quotes) Try to improve. Don’t expect too much, but don’t feel discouraged either; keep up your enthusiasm; you will make progress  (Expect Quotes)
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