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Expect Quotes

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I am told that the clinical definition of insanity is the tenancy to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results  (Expect Quotes) What this means is that the first week of every new series of ads will continue to yield softer results than you can expect to see in weeks two and three  (Expect Quotes) Maybe those nihilist philosophers are right; maybe this is all we can expect of the universe, a relentless crushing of life and spirit, because the equilibrium state of the cosmos is death  (Expect Quotes) All my children have spoken for themselves since they first learned to speak, and not always with my advance approval, and I expect that to continue in the future  (Expect Quotes) This year, or this month, or, more likely, this very day, we have failed to practise ourselves the kind of behaviour we expect from other people  (Expect Quotes) Often we... Expect and want every day to be just like today. Even though we’re not satisfied with today, we settle for security instead of discovery  (Expect Quotes) You cannot organize civilization around the core of militarism and at the same time expect reason to control human destinies  (Expect Quotes) Too long have we been silent under unjust and unholy charges; we cannot expect to have them removed until we disprove them through ourselves  (Expect Quotes) You have to set the tone and the pace, define objectives and strategies, demonstrate through personal example what you expect from others  (Expect Quotes) Expect an answer. If no answer is desired, why pray? True prayer has in it a strong element of expectancy  (Expect Quotes) Did you ever expect a corporation to have a conscience, when it has no soul to be damned, and no body to be kicked  (Expect Quotes) I am told that the clinical definition of insanity is the tendency to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results  (Expect Quotes) You can not entertain weak, harmful, negative thoughts ten hours a day and expect to bring about beautiful, strong and harmonious conditions by ten minutes of strong, positive, creative thought  (Expect Quotes) We cannot expect people to have respect for law and order until we teach respect to those we have entrusted to enforce those laws  (Expect Quotes) We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst  (Expect Quotes) If a man paints a target on his chest, he should expect that sooner or later someone will loose an arrow on him  (Expect Quotes) Because on some level, even though it never turns out to be true, and even though I should know better, I still expect life to be like the movies  (Expect Quotes) It considered trying to explain their error to them, but what would be the use? They would only go away with hurt feelings. You can’t always expect people, or squirrels, to be rational  (Expect Quotes) Independent women must expect more of themselves, since neither men nor other more conventionally domesticated women will hope for anything, or expect any result other than utter failure  (Expect Quotes) Revolution is an art that I pursue rather than a goal I expect to achieve. Nor is this a source of dismay; a lost cause can be as spiritually satisfying as a victory  (Expect Quotes) Every segment of our population, and every individual, has a right to expect from his government a fair deal  (Expect Quotes) If you’ve given the greatest effort that you can expect of yourself, you always get what you deserve  (Expect Quotes) Science cannot stop while ethics catches up... and nobody should expect scientists to do all the thinking for the country  (Expect Quotes) When you get a cat to catch the mice in your kitchen, you can’t expect it to ignore the rats in the cellar  (Expect Quotes) Character creates consistency, and if your people know what they can expect from you, they will continue to look to you for leadership  (Expect Quotes) If you are going to live by faith, then expect your faith to be tested. A faith that can’t be tested can’t be trusted  (Expect Quotes) The primary limitation in life is our low expectations for ourselves and others. When we expect minimum results, that’s usually what we get  (Expect Quotes) You can’t marginalize more than half of the globe’s population and expect to see any meaningful solutions to the problems that ail the world  (Expect Quotes) I wouldn’t expect someone who’s been injured to hear my side until they felt that I had fully understood the depth of their pain  (Expect Quotes) No man has a right to expect to succeed in life unless he understands his business, and nobody can understand his business thoroughly unless he learns it by personal application and experience  (Expect Quotes)
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