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I always show up to work and give it everything, and some things turn out better than others - and some things you can expect that it will come out better than others  (Expect Quotes) To the contrary, when you look at projections, both Polish and international, we can expect some slowing down of the rate of growth in the coming year, 2012. But of course these are projections  (Expect Quotes) In the theatre the audience wants to be surprised - but by things that they expect  (Expect Quotes) Well I’m still working on The Incredibles. So I’m going to take a little time off. I’ve got a couple of tricks up my sleeve. I’m not ready to talk about them yet, but expect the unexpected  (Expect Quotes) Viewers can’t expect TV to keep developing unless they make their wants known. And let’s face it. The best way to make your wants known in this world is by ‘beefing’  (Expect Quotes) In fact, I’ll be taking a lot of Cathy Gale with me. I expect that was why I was chosen for the part  (Expect Quotes) I knew Secrets and Lies was a great film, but I didn’t expect it to get the attention it did because none of his other films had and I thought they were just as good  (Expect Quotes) People often argue about this. Obviously one of the skills in performance is acting, and you can’t expect every Romeo to really be in love with their Juliet!  (Expect Quotes) It is no longer appropriate for me as an American to sit by and expect my government to get it done  (Expect Quotes) I expect VA’s inspector general and the FBI to work closely together so that we can identify and eliminate the flaws that allowed this leak and prosecute any criminal acts  (Expect Quotes) It’s the weirdest thing. When you go into acting, you expect to be a huge star and to be recognized... It did happen, but not in the way you expect it to... In L. A., I’m just another character actor  (Expect Quotes) I expect to see a lot of household appliances on the Net by 2010, as well as autos and other mobile devices  (Expect Quotes) Do you seriously expect me to be the first Prince of Wales in history not to have a mistress  (Expect Quotes) I didn’t expect to win the Oscar. You grow up watching the Oscars on TV and you think it happens to fancy people. It was really surreal  (Expect Quotes) I fully expect that NASA will send me back to the moon as they treated Sen. Glenn, and if they don’t do otherwise, why, then I’ll have to do it myself  (Expect Quotes) People that haven’t seen us yet are shocked because they think that Alice Cooper must be a female folksinger. They don’t expect the whole thing  (Expect Quotes) You have to run 75 to 100 miles a week if you expect to break the four-minute mile  (Expect Quotes) I can get around pretty easily. People don’t expect to see me walking around  (Expect Quotes) One has to commit their life to music and not expect to get famous or rich doing it  (Expect Quotes) The instant they say something you don’t expect or already know, you should drop into detective mode  (Expect Quotes) I’m just afraid somebody’s going to stab me one day and think that my power is real and they expect me to start healing  (Expect Quotes) I guess I’m one of those girls who can be too honest about things for my own good, but I expect it back. I expect people to be honest and blunt with me, too  (Expect Quotes) We know that people we love are both good and bad, but we expect strangers to be one or the other  (Expect Quotes) I don’t know what people expect when they meet me. They seem to be afraid that I’m going to piss in the potted palm and slap them on the ass  (Expect Quotes) According to the computer models, we do expect high winds in northern Germany to increase by one percent per decade. But this is such a weak phenomenon that we won’t even notice it at first  (Expect Quotes) When you least expect to recall something, a memory can pop up like an uninvited guest on your doorstep  (Expect Quotes) In matters of goodness, never expect any compliment or appreciation; just do your goodness and disappear  (Expect Quotes) No one really expects me to do anything offensively. But I expect a little more  (Expect Quotes) No one can expect a majority to be stirred by motives other than ignoble  (Expect Quotes) Either the Baby Boomers are not going to have the retirement life that they expect or taxpayers are going to be hit with a tremendously huge bill. Or both  (Expect Quotes)
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