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Don’t expect to make a living on it. Be able to hammer a nail or do retail, doing your music on the side!  (Expect Quotes) I suppose when some people see you on TV, they expect you to be this flamboyant, champagne-drinking stud. But I’m not like that  (Expect Quotes) Fascist political gatherings tend to encourage or at least expect a little violence around the edges, particularly against counter protesters  (Expect Quotes) I don’t expect to seem cool to everyone; nor do I want to be. I think that’s the opposite of the definition of cool. So I don’t care at all  (Expect Quotes) Obviously, I think being vegan is important. But no one should judge anybody. I’m not a dictator and I don’t expect anyone to be any certain way  (Expect Quotes) I like shitty strip clubs. They look like what they are. I know what to expect. Unlike Congress, at least we know everybody is for sale  (Expect Quotes) If I do marry, I’ll expect a pretty serious dowry. I’m talking goats, pigs, chickens, the works  (Expect Quotes) People would be so much more interesting if they’d behave like who they are, and not like what they think others expect them to be  (Expect Quotes) Catering on planes, like on British Rail, is a standing joke, but I don’t really have a problem with it. I don’t quite know what people expect  (Expect Quotes) Women are secretaries of state and prime ministers - but people still don’t expect women to be involved in violence  (Expect Quotes) In life, you don’t get what you deserve; you get what you believe, plan, and expect  (Expect Quotes) I don’t like the fact that people are supposed to think horror movies have a way things should go. I always try to do the exact opposite of what people expect and want  (Expect Quotes) Sometimes I joke around that if I weren’t a musician, I would be a power lifter. I don’t think people expect it from me because I’m little  (Expect Quotes) People expect us to be a straight up dance band but there are many more elements to our sound that you really get to see during our live show and hear on our record ‘See The Light’  (Expect Quotes) The Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue really sets the social standard for what people expect the perfect woman’s body to look like, and a lot of those bodies usually look the same  (Expect Quotes) When most people turn on their TVs, they don’t expect a frank discussion of philosophical ideas in their practical context. Or any context  (Expect Quotes) The good news is that women’s roles have changed so dramatically over the past three decades that women now expect to have careers, balance work and family, express their individual autonomy  (Expect Quotes) Too many people focus on the thing, instead of the heavenly glory of it. I don’t want to give away what to expect  (Expect Quotes) I think the first time I was on The David Letterman Show, he didn’t quite know what to expect. I think people generally are just a little afraid  (Expect Quotes) I set very bold goals. It’s how I’ve always been. I’m definitely somebody who swings for the fences, and I expect very high performance  (Expect Quotes) I had to work 10 times harder. People expect so much of you, because they want to see if you can strive and stand on your own  (Expect Quotes) In Vegas, everyone lets their hair down a little bit and it’s a little looser. You expect to see some different stuff and hear some different stuff. Even the red carpet is different here  (Expect Quotes) I can’t expect God’s blessing on my work unless I do it God’s way  (Expect Quotes) I wrote on my desk wall when I was writing the film...’Art is socialism, but life is capitalism.’ That’s the hard thing in all of it if you expect to make a living  (Expect Quotes) I will say that I don’t expect anybody to do anything that makes them feel uncomfortable. Or makes them feel like they’re putting themselves in a bad position with their job  (Expect Quotes) Frankly, Barack Obama is a standard issue leftist that you would expect of somebody with his particular experience, and he doesn’t exactly hide it  (Expect Quotes) The citizens of America expect more. They deserve and they want more than a recital of problems  (Expect Quotes) If you put out 150 percent, then you can always expect 100 percent back. That’s what I was always told as a kid, and It’s worked for me so far!  (Expect Quotes) What I want from my Lovers is real unadulterated love, and from my genuine workers I expect real work done  (Expect Quotes) Oh, my God, I don’t think any player can look forward to or expect to a career of so many Grand Slam wins or title wins or being so long at the top of the game  (Expect Quotes)
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