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Expect Quotes

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No matter what, expect the unexpected. And whenever possible BE the unexpected  (Expect Quotes) Don’t expect too much from people. The less you expect, the less disappointed you will be when they let you down  (Expect Quotes) People expect a certain reaction from a business and when you pleasantly exceed those expectations, you’ve somehow passed an important psychological threshold  (Expect Quotes) Im not even going to get mad anymore; I’m just going to expect the lowest from the people I thought the highest of  (Expect Quotes) You can’t mimic someone’s hustle and expect the exact same results. Be original and do your own thing  (Expect Quotes) When you tell a person I love you, you shouldn’t expect a proof of purchase, because true love has no price tag  (Expect Quotes) The best relationships are the ones you didn’t expect to be in; the ones you never saw coming  (Expect Quotes) So don’t hurt her, don’t change her, don’t analyze and don’t expect more than she can give  (Expect Quotes) What you put up with you end up with, you can only expect what you accept  (Expect Quotes) I wonder why guys mistreat and disrespect women. But then expect life to hand them a good woman when they’re ready to settle down?  (Expect Quotes) How do you expect to communicate with the ocean, when you can’t even understand one another  (Expect Quotes) You can’t expect to change people. Either you accept who they are, or you start living your life without them  (Expect Quotes) I continually stress to my players that all I expect from them at practice and in the games is their maximum effort  (Expect Quotes) God sends blessings when we least expect them. God has a blessing with your name on it  (Expect Quotes) That awkward moment when you expect 75 texts from people after being away from your phone for a while, and you only get 2 texts from your mom  (Expect Quotes) Sometimes you can’t search for love and expect to find it. Sometimes you should just allow it to happen within its own time  (Expect Quotes) I do have high expectations, like anyone does. I expect myself to do well. It comes with all of the work I’ve put in and what I expect from that work  (Expect Quotes) The best relationships are the ones you didn’t expect to be in and the ones you never even saw coming  (Expect Quotes) Seeking is a necessary preliminary to finding, and one who cannot endure the hardship of inquiry cannot expect to harvest the fruit of knowledge  (Expect Quotes) Don’t expect recognition for every effort you make. And don’t expect your genius to be instantly recognized or your love to be understood by everyone you encounter  (Expect Quotes) Im sorry I’m not perfect or what you expect me to be. I’m sorry I’m not plastic. I’m sorry for being the worthless person I am. Sorry I’m a no one  (Expect Quotes) The thing I have always tried to do is surprise people: to present them with something they didn’t expect  (Expect Quotes) Don’t expect positive things to occur in your life if you surround yourself with negative people  (Expect Quotes) You can’t expect to see positive changes if you’re surrounded by negative people  (Expect Quotes) If you are rushing to find true love don’t expect to find it. True love will find you, and grip you tight by your heart  (Expect Quotes) Nothing in life is easy. Don’t expect things to be given to you. Go out and achieve them  (Expect Quotes) Thanks for telling me I’m not the kind of person you’d expect to be on a dating site after we met on a dating site  (Expect Quotes) I aint perfect, so I don’t expect perfection. People come with flaws. Flaws come with stories. Who wants to read a blank book?  (Expect Quotes) If u expect to love someone, and not have disappointment every now and then, then u don’t want love, u want something perfect that doesn’t exist  (Expect Quotes) Silence may be golden but it won’t get your point across, speak up or don’t expect anything to change  (Expect Quotes)
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