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Expected Quotes

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There was a fine line between love and hate you heard that cliche all the time. But no one told you that the moment you crossed it would be the one you least expected. You’d fall in love and crack open a secret door to let your soul mate in. You just never expected such closeness one day to feel like an intrusion  (Expected Quotes) He was demanding. He always would be. But sometimes, he was so vulnerable and she realized she had power in the relationship as well. She hadn’t expected that. He was as vulnerable to her as she was to him. He just acted arrogant and bossy, but deep down, where it counted, he didn’t want to lose her either  (Expected Quotes) When I was young, I expected from people more than they could give: neverending friendship and constant excitement. Now I expect less than they can actually can give: to stay close silently. And their feelings, friendship, noble deeds always seem like a miracle to me: a true grace  (Expected Quotes) Words are very powerful and can lead anyone reading them or hearing them, into contemplation and insight. How the mind follows suit is rarely palpable or expected. This impact is not a matter of metaphysical effects nor of an unexplainable phenomenon. It’s simply part of being human  (Expected Quotes) What is both surprising and delightful is that the spectators are allowed, and even expected, to join in the vocal part of the game... There is no reason why the field should not try to put the batsman off his stroke at the critical moment by neatly timed disparagements of his wife’s fidelity and his mother’s respectability  (Expected Quotes) If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is tempermental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected  (Expected Quotes) If the people lose control of the arteries of trade and the natural sources of mechanical power, the nationalization of all industry should soon be expected. Our forefathers were alert to resist all encroachments upon their rights. If we wish to maintain our rights, we can do no less  (Expected Quotes) Each moment brings new surprises to the one who has no expectations, who comes with an absolutely open mind. Then incredible things start happening. Even if you had wanted them you could not have expected them; you could not have found yourself worthy enough to expect them  (Expected Quotes) The only certain means of success is to render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what the task may be. This is a habit followed by all successful people since the beginning of time. Therefore I saith the surest way to doom yourself to mediocrity is to perform only the work for which you are paid  (Expected Quotes) I told them I was but a man, and they must not expect me to be perfect; if they expected perfection from me, I should expect it from them; but if they would bear with my infirmities and the infirmities of the brethren, I would likewise bear with their infirmities  (Expected Quotes) Scientific societies are as yet in their infancy. It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries. Fitche laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished  (Expected Quotes) My security comes from my senses, my sensing the direction I should go and suddenly I felt out of tune, out of step with what other people wanted or what other people expected of me  (Expected Quotes) There were some situations where I was giving up everything I had for the band and I just expected everybody else to feel the same way. I realized I was just kidding myself  (Expected Quotes) Soon afterwards I studied the inversion of sugar in the light of these considerations and immediately found that this classical reaction, too, was determined quantitatively by the same property of the acids, as was of course to be expected from the previous results  (Expected Quotes) Passion is the thing that sustains you in acting. If you’re doing it for fame and money, don’t even bother because it will never happen. The last thing I ever expected was to be paid for this  (Expected Quotes) Of course there will be disappointments and the way will not always be as I expected it. But if it seemed easy, then that would be the time to worry that I am on the wrong path  (Expected Quotes) I was planning, I told everybody, to take him on the road with me. At the very least I fully expected to keep up my hectic pace, and my passion as a war correspondent  (Expected Quotes) This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. The rehab has not gone as expected  (Expected Quotes) I never expected this to catch on in the way it did! Of course similar observations have been made by any number of people, and the distinction is obvious to anyone who thinks about the subject a little  (Expected Quotes) Things are going very smoothly. As expected, there are some minor glitches, and the eight minutes that it took us to get to orbit, we trained months and months for, and didn’t have to use any of that preparation, other than being aware and ready  (Expected Quotes) It’s really difficult for me. Language, I am sorry that I haven’t. I think I just always expected that you learn a word in place of a word and when I discovered how difficult the grammar was and learning that was very discouraging for me  (Expected Quotes) Everyone in those days expected that art students were wild, licentious characters. We didn’t know how to be, but we sure were anxious to learn  (Expected Quotes) Here, class attendance is expected and students are required to take notes, which they are tested on. What is missing, it seems to me, is the use of knowledge, the practical training  (Expected Quotes) I thought his performance was absolutely wonderful and had said so, but he seemed, as actors quite often are when they first see. Something, to be disappointed. I think he expected more from the film and himself  (Expected Quotes) I’ve always tried to go a step past wherever people expected me to end up. I’m not about to change now  (Expected Quotes) Umpires, like players, are expected to show constant improvement each season and at each level. Inconsistent plate work and the inability to handle situations are probably the two biggest problems that minor league umpires face  (Expected Quotes) I expected to get drafted. I knew that I wouldn’t get drafted on that first day due to the fact that not a lot of people had the opportunity to see me play much  (Expected Quotes) Up to that point I never really knew what my character would be expected to do, and prior to accepting the job I had actually turned down the role three times before finally giving in  (Expected Quotes) The revolution came so suddenly, and in a way so utterly different from what we expected  (Expected Quotes) I grew up in a home and in a world in which you can do anything. We were all expected to go to college. My father was a doctor  (Expected Quotes)
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