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Expected Quotes

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And, quite frankly, I fully expected to be charged with murder, because they weren’t charging anybody. I did it in terms of, I felt like I was throwing down the gauntlet saying look, this is what happened. There’s a family out there that needed to know what happened  (Expected Quotes) Clearly something has happened here that no one expected. and there aren’t words to describe how any of us feel this morning on hearing this news  (Expected Quotes) If you turn the other cheek, you will get a harder blow on it than you got on the first one. This does not always happen, but it is to be expected, and you ought not to complain if it does happen  (Expected Quotes) The best practical advice then is: try to maximize your expected payoff, which is the sum of all payoffs multiplied by probabilities  (Expected Quotes) I began to write in the first place because I expected everything to change, and I wanted to have things in writing the way they had been. Just a little things, of course. A little of my little  (Expected Quotes) At times we expected the allies unquestioningly to follow our leads; sometimes we failed to consult them in advance before reversing policies; at other times we ignored their requests  (Expected Quotes) The party has to be rebuilt on all levels. In a way, maybe it’s to be expected when you’ve had a governor in office for 12 years and he and his people are stepping down  (Expected Quotes) Watching a person lose their dignity used to be uncomfortable, and now it’s an expected part of the program that we’re becoming comfortable with  (Expected Quotes) I expected to be shot at any moment and if they had done I would have understood, that they couldn’t take risks with someone foolhardy or so unpredictable  (Expected Quotes) We never expected the show to be this great. We think it is successful because kids can identify  (Expected Quotes) Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds  (Expected Quotes) For a writer, published works are like fallen flowers, but the expected new work is like a calyx waiting to blossom  (Expected Quotes) I don’t know you, ma’am, and apparently I’m expected to die for you  (Expected Quotes) You can stay in society and be alone, as long as you can be detached from the world. This is why I don’t think I have ever gone for the easy option or done things that were expected of me  (Expected Quotes) I came to bloody rescue you. Burn me if I expected to be greeted as if I had come to steal a pie  (Expected Quotes) When we see a natural style we are quite amazed and delighted, because we expected to see an author and find a man  (Expected Quotes) If there are one or two good ones in a very large family, it is as much as can be expected  (Expected Quotes) When we see a natural style, we are quite surprised and delighted, for we expected to see an author and we find a man  (Expected Quotes) Who one was, where one came from, what one was expected to be, the height of courage and character that were to be achieved, were woven into the fabric that linked oneself to all  (Expected Quotes) The only certain means of is to render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be  (Expected Quotes) For a generous and noble spirit cannot be expected to dwell in the breast of men who are struggling for their daily bread  (Expected Quotes) Even the greatest actions of a celebrated person labor under this disadvantage, that however surprising and extraordinary they may be, they are no more than what are expected from him  (Expected Quotes) I have climbed several higher mountains without guide or path, and have found, as might be expected, that it takes only more time and patience commonly than to travel the smoothest highway  (Expected Quotes) When we meet with a natural style, we are surprised and delighted, for we expected to find an author, and we have found a man  (Expected Quotes) I certainly never expected to be in front of a camera one day of my life  (Expected Quotes) But maybe as I get older, I begin to see beauty where I least expected it before  (Expected Quotes) I wish you the best that can be hoped for, and no worse than can be expected  (Expected Quotes) I never expected I would be connected to the Alpha male as some kind of ancillary object, and to this day it mystifies me  (Expected Quotes) No one sat me down with a piece of paper and said, This is what is expected of you. But... I’m lucky enough in the fact that I have found my role... I love being with people  (Expected Quotes) I’d kind of expected that kids who knew about the Real World wouldn’t act like jock dipwads. Guess I was wrong  (Expected Quotes)
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