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I would never have been discovered without the X Factor. I was just doing the working men’s clubs and I loved doing that. That was the life for me at that time. I never expected to be noticed doing that, that’s why I went for X Factor by myself  (Expected Quotes) Some things go better than you expected, other things go worse, so I’m... I think the only sensible thing is just to wait and see and what I’m doing when I’m writing books - I’m not doing science so much anymore  (Expected Quotes) The big cop-out would be to accept popularity rather than opting to try to create potent work. It’s so easy to do the popular thing, the expected thing, and that’s where you start to cheat yourself - and your fans, in the end - because there’s an inherent dishonesty in pandering and dishing up what everyone’s expecting  (Expected Quotes) I didn’t become an actor to be famous. I genuinely love acting and never expected to make a penny at it  (Expected Quotes) Most Americans aren’t the sort of citizens the Founding Fathers expected; they are contented serfs. Far from being active critics of government, they assume that its might makes it right.  (Expected Quotes) I think if you’re the son or daughter of successful actors and actresses, it’s a double pressure. More is expected of you.  (Expected Quotes) In life, it is never the big battle, the big moment, the big speech, the big election. That does not change things. What changes things is every day, getting up and rendering small acts of service and love beyond that what’s expected of you or required of you.  (Expected Quotes) I think there’s a danger that we’re moving towards a state where the people we are expected to admire are almost not human anymore, and I don’t like that. I prefer it when someone looks like a nice person, and you think, ‘I could have a laugh with them in the pub.’  (Expected Quotes) AIR grew out of our early thinking about rich Internet applications around 2001. We started to see web developers pushing the boundaries of what could be done inside the browser and taking advantage of Flash in ways that we hadn’t expected.  (Expected Quotes) Your success in your career will be in direct proportion to what you do after you’ve done what you are expected to do.  (Expected Quotes) Today is the day after my wedding. And nothing is the way I expected it to be.  (Expected Quotes) Airline glamour never promised anything as mundane as elbow room, much less a flat bed, a massage, or an arugula salad. It promised a better world. Service and dress reflected the more formal era, but no one expected air travel to be comfortable. It was amazing just to have hot food above the clouds.  (Expected Quotes) And I never expected that you could have a broken heart and love with it too, so much that it doesn’t seem broken at all.  (Expected Quotes) I think there are a lot of rules for women. We have a lot of expectations and a lot of rules for women. So we’re expected to march in a straight line, and when we don’t, all hell breaks loose.  (Expected Quotes) The fact that I wasn’t expected to read music at all and was absorbing everything by ear... it had a huge affect on the kind of musician that I became.  (Expected Quotes) I expected Dracula to come jumping out any second. If he did I’d have held up a cross, cause he’s allergic to bullshit.  (Expected Quotes) My stint with ‘Ally McBeal’ is something I never planned nor expected  (Expected Quotes) I never expected I would be connected to the Alpha male as some kind of ancillary object, and to this day it mystifies me.  (Expected Quotes) I’ve read plenty of amazing science pieces where the writers don’t hang out in labs. I just have fun doing it. And I get rewarded for it; I get gushy, especially when kids tell me they expected to be bored by my books, but weren’t.  (Expected Quotes) I ate fantastic Italian food in Croatia, which you wouldn’t expect. The food in Istanbul was amazing. I never would’ve expected that and the food, I guess you’re learning something about me, the food in Prague, they’re very, very heavy meat eaters, like, a lot of meat, which is great.  (Expected Quotes) Life is amazing, life is odd. Life is not what you expected it to be. Things happen... Growing up takes longer than you think.  (Expected Quotes) I’ve been judged my whole life. People always expected amazing things from me.  (Expected Quotes) Shaquille and I kind of joke we were the Christopher Columbus of social media. We’re kind of out on a boat by ourselves going through these uncharted waters. But it’s become more understood, embraced and accepted, and now it’s pretty much expected by fans for athletes, leagues and teams to be there.  (Expected Quotes) I don’t even use profanity when I’m angry. I think people expected I’d have written a nice romance or something.  (Expected Quotes) Everyone in those days expected that art students were wild, licentious characters. We didn’t know how to be, but we sure were anxious to learn.  (Expected Quotes) Writers from the majority can assume their audiences know what they’re talking about - they don’t have to explain things, whereas minority writers are expected to.  (Expected Quotes) When you’re walking at the airport, you’re expected to smile at people because they know you... I find that tough. I’m only trying to protect myself. So I don’t take my eyes off the floor. People can take that as attitude. But it’s actually shyness. Yes, it is a bad habit. But it’s a defense mechanism.  (Expected Quotes) The reason I’m really appreciative of everything that’s going on around me is because of the fact that I never expected it, and I want to keep that attitude.  (Expected Quotes) All successful employers are stalking men who will do the unusual, men who think, men who attract attention by performing more than is expected of them.  (Expected Quotes) I was given baby doll toys myself, and they proved a stark reminder that my life was expected to revolve around childbearing - just as my mom’s had before me, and her mom’s had before her.  (Expected Quotes)
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